If you love your Bum Genius 3.0 or 4.0 pocket dipes but couldn't use them for some reason, what would be your next best alternative? After much trial and error, and quitting CDing for over a year and now coming back to it in anticipation of our second LO's arrival, I suspect my LO is allergic to the suede-cloth in the BG's. I have 3 Grovias Hybrid Shells that I just purchased and I really like them with the disposable insert but I am not crazy about the organic cotton insert, especially with poo, even with a flushable liner it was a just mess. I am looking for a more competitive alternative to the BG, because I love them for everything they offer except the rash my son gets every time he wears one. TIA!
Re: If you love BG's...
Are you absolutely sure it is the suedecloth? Typically LO's are much more likely to have a reaction to detergent than to the fabric. Certainly some have a suedecloth sensitivity but if it was me I would rule out detergent before ditching an entire stash.
That said, if it is definitely the fabric I would just buy BG elementals (the organic AIO).
BG's don't work well for my son at all, so I'm not much help there. But FWIW, I do love my PF's inside the GroVia shells. I have never had a blowout and I just plop the whole thing in the pail when poopie.
I am not completely convinced yet but getting there... the first year of his life I used prefolds and covers and then fuzzi bunz perfect size pockets with very little trouble. As he become more mobile and outgrew his FB sized pocket dipes I tried switching to BG pockets and that's when all the problems started. He broke out in a red, non-raised, diffuse rash all over his diaper area it would clear up within 24 hours of just being a disposable diaper. I didn't put two and two together at the time and I was convinced it was our laundry detergent in combination with hard water and HE front loading washing machine. I definitely had detergent build up on the dipes and found I could run 7-8 rinse cycles before they would stop sudsing. I tried a few different detergents, stripped the dipes, ran rinse cycles till the stop sudsing and still he would get a rash after being in the diaper for 12 hours. I didn't have any other diapers to try at the time since he had outgrown all of his prefolds/covers and FB's so I had nothing to compare to. I got discouraged packed them up and have been in sposies ever since. With our next LO's upcoming arrival I am re-inspired to figure this out. I bought some Crunchy Clean Hard Water detergent soap and I have been giving it a go again the last few days and within 12 hours of wearing a BG the rash was back. So far the Grovias don't seem to be causing a rash but I am not sure he has had quite enough time exclusively in them to say that for sure. I am might try some prefolds in them, that's a good idea as an alternative to the cotton insert.
Are the BG organics lined with cotton instead of the seudecloth? Thankfully I only have 7 BG pockets, so not quite a full stash yet. If I do ultimately decide it's the seudecloth itself he is allergic to I might just trying using a flushable liner in them to see if that creates enough of a barrier and if not, I'll save them for #2 and hope she can tolerate them before selling them off.
You can probably snag some BG 3.0s with fleece liners (they made these for a limited time). Also I have heard that Kawaii fit the same as a BG, but I don't know if they use suedecloth or fleece.
The 2nd favorite diapers in my stash are actually Thirsties fitteds and GMD workhorse fitteds. If I specifically needed replacement pocket diapers I'd probably give Kawaii a try (never used these) or go with Fuzzi Bunz, though I don't think they fit at all similarly to BGs.
This. I prefer all of these over BG's simply for the fleece inside instead the suede cloth. The Kawaiis fit DD the best and the price is great.
You might like Flips with the organic cotton insert or a PF. The fit is similar to 4.0's.