I can't stop watching TV and crying. I stayed up until 2 AM watching a Flight 93 movie. Being a parent now just makes it that much harder to think about what a loss was suffered by so many.
Here's to those who lost their lives 10 years ago today. May we never forget them.
Re: NMR: Remembering 9/11
I have no problems thinking about it, think it's sad but I don't really struggle with it much.
I LOST it in church today. That had a special service dedicated to first responders and when the bag pipes (surprised the heck out of me that they had bag pipes) started playing "Amazing Grace" I started bawling. I couldn't believe how sad it made me because I figured after 10 years I'd gotten all of the emotional reactions out of me.
I couldn't stop crying when our church did a presentation about it this morning, too.
Never forgotten.
It is still so hard to fully digest. I will never wrap my mind around it completely.