
I think the 18+ month stage is WAY harder than the newborn stage


I think I overestimated how rough the first few months of their lives would be.  By no means was it easy, but I think I was running on major adrenaline.  I *had* to get up every 3 hours, and I knew it, so I did.  And I had an easy c-section recovery and generally felt AMAZING the second they were out.  And being able to move around without feeling the weight of them in me, and not being on bed rest anymore made me feel like a million bucks.  I remember my mom and husband telling me I had to slow down the day I got home from the hospital because I was carrying loads of laundry up and down the stairs.

Now, I was lucky in that they went right back to sleep at night after feeds.  And by 5 weeks they were going 5 hours at night, 6 by 6, 7 by 7 and 12 by 5 months.  So, they were pretty good sleepers from the get go, which I am sure helped.

I think I was just SO happy to finally have them here, and so relieved that they were healthy that I was just pumped up all the time.  Yes, they had colic around 2.5 months and it sucked there for awhile... BUT...


Toddlerhood is so freakin' tiring. 


They have been walking since 10 months and obviously running now.  They are constantly testing limits and pushing boundaries.  They climb up the entertainment center, coffee table, etc. even though they know it's a "no no."  They purposefully disobey to get a reaction and to see what they can get away with.  Dinners out are a disaster (refusing to sit in the high chair, etc.), they are SUPER clingy to me and whine and cry "mamamamama" all day if I take even one step in the other direction.  I can't get anything done without them hanging on me, or getting into trouble somehow.  I used to get a TON done while they happily napped in bouncy seats throughout the day.  Now, not so much.  They are always RUNNING off in different directions getting into something they shouldn't...

Anyone else with me?  I swear, by the end of the day I am just wiped.  I love them to pieces and they make me laugh all day long, but man, they challenge the heck out of me! And I am guessing it doesn't get easier anytime soon, right?

After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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Re: I think the 18+ month stage is WAY harder than the newborn stage

  • We're only 14 months, but YES, so very very yes. 

    DH had to unexpectedly go back to the store to exchange the gift before we left for our nephew's birthday party today.  I needed to shower, pack the car, and get the boys dressed in 30 minutes.  Allllll things I could have easily done when they were brand new and could be plopped happily in the swing/bouncer/jumperoo. 

    Now, not so much.  DS1 was screaming to be picked up, DS2 was tearing apart the entertainment system, and they thrashed and ran off when I tried to get them dressed.  All while I was a stinky, soaking, sweating mess who just wanted a damn hot shower in peace.

    I completely agree that it's wonderful and fun but oh so exhausting

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  • But then they do stuff like this and you forget how tiring it is.... for a few seconds.  ;)

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • And another thing!

    The distruction. They just make a mess of everything.  So not only am I exhausted while they're awake, we have a filthy house to deal with when they're finally asleep.

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  • imageHaven1:

    And another thing!

    The distruction. They just make a mess of everything.  So not only am I exhausted while they're awake, we have a filthy house to deal with when they're finally asleep.

    Yes, yes, YES.


    The floors are a mess, the tables are a mess, there are fingerprints on every window/mirror, etc.  They break things, stain their clothes BIG TIME now... sigh.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • 18m was challenging.
    For me the newborn stage was definitely harder, but my boys didn't go right back to sleep after feeds. Usually from 2-8 a.m. there was no sleep to be had for the on-duty parent. And that was my shift. :P

    I will say, for me, overall I haven't had stages where it was really "easy" for more than a couple weeks at a time. It seems like it goes in phases, of a few days or a few weeks at a time, where it gets harder and then easier, harder and then easier, so it's hard for me to pick one specific age that has been tougher than all the others. I understand now what the MoMs with older multiples meant when they said, "It doesn't get easier; the challenges just change." 2.5 has been really tough and really fun at the same time.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagemacchiatto:

    18m was challenging.
    For me the newborn stage was definitely harder, but my boys didn't go right back to sleep after feeds. Usually from 2-8 a.m. there was no sleep to be had for the on-duty parent. And that was my shift. :P

    I will say, for me, overall I haven't had stages where it was really "easy" for more than a couple weeks at a time. It seems like it goes in phases, of a few days or a few weeks at a time, where it gets harder and then easier, harder and then easier, so it's hard for me to pick one specific age that has been tougher than all the others. I understand now what the MoMs with older multiples meant when they said, "It doesn't get easier; the challenges just change." 2.5 has been really tough and really fun at the same time.

    I agree with this.

    But man, sometimes I miss the days of all day naps in the bouncy seat.  I could actually cook dinner!  And blog!  And put away their clothes without waking them up! Wink

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I hear you! Sometimes I miss when they napped 3 times a day. The first two naps were usually both a good 2 hrs each, too. And I could pop them in their jumperoos and put on a Baby Einstein DVD if I wanted to get something done. There are definitely pros and cons to their increasing independence. ;)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I'm not sure why I just read this post, and all the replies... thanks for scaring the living CRAP out of me ladies!
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  • You guys are scaring me about what's to come. I already feel like I can't get anything done and barely have time to bump anymore :(... and mine are still taking 2 naps and aren't even walking yet!
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  • imageHaven1:

    And another thing!

    The distruction. They just make a mess of everything.  So not only am I exhausted while they're awake, we have a filthy house to deal with when they're finally asleep.

    THIS. A million times over THIS!

    But I have to say, for me the first 3 months were harder. I was didn't have good sleepers so life was hard. Everything since then has been way better. Including this, destruction, mess and all.  

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  • yup.

    I have always said I thought 15m-24mo was the hardest stage... for my singleton and certainly the twins.

    it gets a little easier after they turn 2... at least you can sit a little more b/c they are not AS dangerous with everything they do :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • imagepawstech09:
    I'm not sure why I just read this post, and all the replies... thanks for scaring the living CRAP out of me ladies!

    Don't freak out.  Other than the NB stage where they sleep almost all day long, this is stage is easier for me.  We have the house pretty well baby proofed and they constantly run off to play.  I can easily lightly clean the kitchen (put things away, load/unload the dishwasher, give the counters a quick wipe down) while they're all off playing trains together.  The hardest thing for me is DS1's jealousy (hitting, pushing, being a bully to his little brothers), as soon as they're able to fight back (just to let him know that he can't keep pushing them around, not beating the sh!t out of each other) I think things will get even easier. 

  • Yep, I have always said that. Newborn was exhausting, a grind, grueling. But this is mentally exhausting, physically exhausting, and annoying with all the whining. On the bright side, they do cute stuff at that age that they didn't when they were newborns.
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  • *Hands over ears* LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU.

     Mine are going to stay 10 months old and perfect forever.  I'm using The Secret to make it happen.

  • Bwahahaha.

    Wait until they do nothing but whine and talk back 90% of their awake time, while STILL not listening and running in different directions.  It's super fun.  At least they're incredibly entertaining the other 10% of the time which kind of sort of makes up for it. 

  • imageleslie13510:


    Wait until they do nothing but whine and talk back 90% of their awake time, while STILL not listening and running in different directions.  It's super fun.  At least they're incredibly entertaining the other 10% of the time which kind of sort of makes up for it. 

    They already do.  Crying

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Seriously...mine are almost 13 months, but I hear you...LOUD & CLEAR! They are constantly trying out new and dangerous behaviors; they love doors & drawers and will take any opportunity to open & close (read:get their fingers caught inside) of them. They steal toys, binkies, blankies...whatever....from each other Then there is the hair pulling, pushing, and crawling over each other! Feeding time is a huge mess and often requires immediate baths post eating. But...they are super cute and fun at this age too and I can tell that they're really starting to understand what we're saying and to respond. They will sometimes play together and crack each other up. It's a very cute/fun/challenging stage to be sure, but I wouldn't give it up for anything!
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  • imagekimarino13:


    Wait until they do nothing but whine and talk back 90% of their awake time, while STILL not listening and running in different directions.  It's super fun.  At least they're incredibly entertaining the other 10% of the time which kind of sort of makes up for it. 

    They already do.  Crying

    I thought the same a year ago.  It's so different now.  It's like reasoning with teenagers in 2 year old bodies.  So very very different, and still so very very exhausting. 

  • I'm not a SAHM and my twins aren't here yet, but so far this is my least favorite age with DS.  He's 22 months today and I think maybe getting a little better, but I hear 3 is worse than 2.  Ugh!  He is so quiet when he's causing trouble, too....I'll leave the room to do something for a few minutes because he appears to be glued to the latest episode of Peppa Pig or whatever, and come back to find him rummaging through my purse (to get gum, of course), sitting on the coffee table, or taking every DVD we own out of it's box.  And we won't get into the temper tantrums....
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  • imagepawstech09:
    I'm not sure why I just read this post, and all the replies... thanks for scaring the living CRAP out of me ladies!
    Me too!!!
  • I guess I am a glutton for punishment, because I love this stage. My girls will be 17 months in a few days, but I keep thinking every month that I love this stage and they get older and I say that I love that stage more!

    It definitely has its challenges, but for the most part, it has been a blast. I think it actually got easier after they started walking. They did have a difficult time around 12-13 months with biting and being jealous, but it has since gotten 100x better.

    I was on hospital bedrest for 10 weeks when pregnant, and each day I would tell the girls that they owed me for all the worry and discomfort, and I think they heard me! Haha!

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  • You are scaring me too! My DD just started crawling and trying to pick herself up and stand. I am already a basketcase and exhausted! I cant believe it gets worse!
    TTC since 8/07 DX - Severe MFI/azoospermia & MTHFR/ TESEs found sperm - 7/08 & 6/09/ 12/08 - IVF#1 - BFN/ 6/09 - IVF #2 - cancelled due to OHSS risk (had retrieval)/ 7/09 - FET #1 - BFN/ 9/09 - FET #2 - BFN/ 11/09 - IVF #3 with new RE cancelled twice - 10/09 & 11/09/ 1/10 - IVF #3 take 3 - BFN/ 4/10 - IVF #4 - first ever BFP on 5/13/10!!! 108 @ 10dp3dt/ 2nd beta 311!/ sono on 5/28/10 said TWINS!!!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had really easy babies too. They were great sleepers (still are) and would go right back to sleep at night after feeds. Things were so much calmer back then! 

    For those of you who are nervous about what is to come, here is the key to my sanity. GATES. Lots and lots of gates. And not those pressurized ones, I'm talking about the kind that you screw into the wall and have a lock that little fingers cannot open. Luckily, we have a smallish sized opening to the family room, and we have a gate there and the family room is completely baby proofed. We even have a gate that is made to go around a fireplace that we have entirely circling the tv stand. And our furniture is arranged so they can't get to the fireplace. It's not super attractive, but it works, and I have a place where we can hang out and they can't escape.

    As hard as toddlerhood is, they are so funny and can be dang sweet sometimes that for a few minutes you can forget about how hard it all is. Then all of the sudden you see one of them standing on the table holding your iphone over their head and you are quickly snapped back into reality! :) 

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  • I hear you, and I can usually get some stuff done while they play together....although as soon as it gets reallllly quiet or i hear them giggling at each other, I know for sure that means trouble, either they're making a huge mess, about to destroy something, or they'll start fighting over a toy and someone gets bit.  

     Aiden is such a little stinker these days, anything he knows is a no-no, he'll look at me, smile and then SLOWLY try to do it...I have a feeling I'm in for it w/that one. 

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  • imageMrsLee04:
      Everyone would say it would get easier at age 4, and I couldn't wait!  And for the most part they were right, although some days we're still really wiped out!

    That is encouraging!

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Agreed! and I only have 1 right now!
    Wife. MoM {1G + BBG triplets}. DIY'er. Quilter. 

  • I feel the same way and my DD/DS are only 15 months... plus my husband got a new job in NC and only comes home every other weekend...and we don't have any family in IL, nor alot of friends... and on top of that.. we're trying to sell our house. I don't see it getting any easier soon. Maybe when they're 4 ;-)


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Oh just wait until they are 3. Ugh! The 2's were easy, but 3 with my oldest has been a bear. I cannot imagine it doubled right now and actually dreading when the twins hit 3.


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  • I agree that our house is ALWAYS a disaster zone, my head is constantly spinning, my champion nappers are taking strikes and I am exhausted, by the time they go to bed and they're only 14 mos so it could get worse - but sleep deprivation paired with severe gas and reflux was way worse!!!!  Esp. since H works nights and I was getting up with both on my own 5 nights per wk!  As least now I know that 9 nights out of 10 I'm getting a good nights sleep.
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  • mine are 13 months and I usually think this is my favorite age until I realize that I've slept less in the last 2 weeks than I ever did in the newborn stage. They are going through something and I don't know what.  And then this morning, I wondered why I felt like I did push ups when I obviously didn't.  Yeah, I realized when I picked up a kid for the millionth time that day, it was those muscles. Just when I get one in a place where they are happy to not cling to mom, the other one starts climbing my leg.  

    They have been playing better with each other, but I have to be in the room. If I step 2 feet away, their spidy sense kicks in.

     It does help that the house is totally childproofed, so I know that I can pop into another room for a second and there isn't much they can do. 

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  • Gah. Aside from the up every 3 hrs for 1+ hrs thing overnight and the witching hour of hold me to sleep, I don't think newborn is that bad. I am probably goito have terrors of toddlers.
  • They can drive me up the wall, and there are days that I just want to throw in the towel but I hhaaaaaaaaaated the newborn stage.  Colic was a biitch.
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  • I can handle anything as long as I have 8 hours of sleep.  This stage is definitely not easy, but my stomach still gets nervous butterfiles when I hear a newborn cry. 

    I HATED the newborn stage.  HATED it.

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  • imageUsedToBeGoldie:


    I have always said I thought 15m-24mo was the hardest stage... for my singleton and certainly the twins.

    it gets a little easier after they turn 2... at least you can sit a little more b/c they are not AS dangerous with everything they do :)

    I was actually just going to ask when they will stop jumping head first off of everything without any fear.   Yikes!  Everyday I pray for safety.  

    IVF #3 10/09 BFP! 12dp3dt Beta #1 = 319 14dp3dt Beta #2 = 565 21dp3dt Beta #3 = 10,475! u/s showed twins!! IVF 12/12 BFP! image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Ah Kim, I think they just have it out for us ;)  If you have it a little easier through one phase they're going to get you later! 

    My first 7mos almost brought me to my knees, or the funny farm.  I didn't have very good sleepers, and couldn't get them on the same sched. and one with reflux.  Blech.

    Toddlerhood has had some rough patches.  Your coffee table complaint cracks me up b/c I have pics of mine standing on the coffee table after I'd told them "no" a zillion times.  I finally compromised that climbing the table was fine, but "no standing!"  They eventually agreed. 

    This weekend Audrey about drove DH and I nuts with whining and, "mine, mine, mine".  I can still hear her ringing in my head.  Vivienne's being a doll lately, but when she sees Audrey getting negative attention she starts getting boo boos all of a sudden.  I can hardly hear myself think anymore.

    Hang in there.  It'll get better, sort of. Lol. 

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  • Same here- we're at 18 months and the kicker is, now I've got twin 2-month-olds on top of it!  I keep wishing the bigger boys were as easy as the little ones!
    7/2009 - Gonal-F cycle #2 with Ovidrel trigger and IUI #5 - BFP! Twin boys born at 38 weeks 3 days! 8 months later...spontaneous BFP! And twins again! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I can't really say if this stage is harder than the newborn stage because the newborn months were so traumatizing for me that I literally do not remember them.  I do not remember at all what it was like to have newborns so I honestly can't compare.

    But I will say that this age to me is SO SO SO hard.  I have said it several times but their lack of ability to communicate what they want is my biggest challenge.  I am supposed to know what is needed by a point, a grunt or for the love of cake, a whine.  The whining is out.of.control.  I

    Also, like PP's said, the mess that is constant and the clinginess.  I need a drink just thinking about it all.

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  • I can only speak to my singleton but my oldest son was the worlds best baby and he really wasn't a terrible toddler and I still vividly remember going to a playgroup one Friday night when he was 18 mos old and getting him in the car and putting my head on the steering wheel and sobbing that he had been so bad and I had no energy to deal with it.  The good new is/was that 2 wasn't so bad - I think yours are just getting it out early.  Hang in there.
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  • imagepawstech09:
    I'm not sure why I just read this post, and all the replies... thanks for scaring the living CRAP out of me ladies!



  • imageleslie13510:


    Wait until they do nothing but whine and talk back 90% of their awake time, while STILL not listening and running in different directions.  It's super fun.  At least they're incredibly entertaining the other 10% of the time which kind of sort of makes up for it. 

    This.  And never-mind terrible 2.  3 is WAY WORSE.  

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