I have to ask- do you feel sad? that he's changed now? I just ask because I have known some moms who had surgery on their children for similar things- and while they were happy for their child, they had some sadness because the way their child looked as long as they knew him/her was changed. I found that to be interesting- something i would have never thought - but it makes sense.
I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
I have to ask- do you feel sad? that he's changed now? I just ask because I have known some moms who had surgery on their children for similar things- and while they were happy for their child, they had some sadness because the way their child looked as long as they knew him/her was changed. I found that to be interesting- something i would have never thought - but it makes sense.
Actually, yes I do! It was the face I fell in love with when he was born! Obviously I know it needed fixed, but I thought It was cute, and I will miss that extra large smile of his! People are now telling me they look just alike....I dont think so. Maybe I should post a pic when the swelling goes down and see....
Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
I have to ask- do you feel sad? that he's changed now? I just ask because I have known some moms who had surgery on their children for similar things- and while they were happy for their child, they had some sadness because the way their child looked as long as they knew him/her was changed. I found that to be interesting- something i would have never thought - but it makes sense.
Actually, yes I do! It was the face I fell in love with when he was born! Obviously I know it needed fixed, but I thought It was cute, and I will miss that extra large smile of his! People are now telling me they look just alike....I dont think so. Maybe I should post a pic when the swelling goes down and see....
I doubt you'll ever think they look exactly alike - i don't know many twin moms who do
Well- just know that your feelings are normal - many other moms feel the same way- but now you have a new cute little face to fall in love with - who has the same little soul that the old face had!
I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
Re: After surgery pic!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
awe- what a cutie! He looks great!
I have to ask- do you feel sad? that he's changed now? I just ask because I have known some moms who had surgery on their children for similar things- and while they were happy for their child, they had some sadness because the way their child looked as long as they knew him/her was changed. I found that to be interesting- something i would have never thought - but it makes sense.
Actually, yes I do! It was the face I fell in love with when he was born! Obviously I know it needed fixed, but I thought It was cute, and I will miss that extra large smile of his! People are now telling me they look just alike....I dont think so. Maybe I should post a pic when the swelling goes down and see....
wow those are some gorgeous eyes. i'm jealous
i think it looks good!
I doubt you'll ever think they look exactly alike - i don't know many twin moms who do
Well- just know that your feelings are normal - many other moms feel the same way- but now you have a new cute little face to fall in love with - who has the same little soul that the old face had!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
He looks great - such a happy fella!