Georgia Babies

NBR: Scorpions

How dangerous are the little scorpions? Somebody told us they weren't dangerous, that it's just like a pinch when they bite, but somebody else told us they could be deadly and the big ones were not dangerous. I would die if I saw a big one in my house; the little ones are bad enough! I don't want to google it mainly because I don't want to see the images of scorpions, it just creeps me out. I've never seen them until we moved to this area and we've had 4 in our house in the 4 months we've lived here. I keep the house super clean, so I hope they're not "filth" creatures.
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Re: NBR: Scorpions

  • I wouldn't worry too much about them.  There are a few types that are dangerous to humans, but I'm pretty sure the only dangerous ones in the US are in the southwest.  They are more of an issues in other parts of the world.
    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

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  • We had a lot of them when I lived in Orlando.  They are usually not dangerous, but the bite will be painful and cause swelling.

    They are not "filth" critters, but they do eat other insects so you want to make sure you have pest control.  Our main issue was we lived in a wooded lot, so any mulch, pine straw, wood chips, flower beds, etc. was their haven.  They also love moist lawns.

    They are mostly annoying than anything.

    EDD 1/8/10 - our sweet sunshine DD born 12/30/09
    EDD 2/15/14 - Stillbirth at 21 wks 10/02/13
    EDD 8/12/15 - MMC 1/12/15
    EDD 12/24/15

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  • My mom always said that they came inside looking for water.  They aren't really dangerous but the sting does hurt quite a bit.  I remember my older brother stepping on one as a teenager and it wasn't pretty.  So I would certainly try to avoid them! 






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