I voted all of the above, but I'm really just jealous.
I wish I could obsess of any of those things instead of whether or not my children are going to be harmed by their psychotic father, or whether or not my BSC ex-IL's are going to take me to court for visitation.
I'm just bitter and grumpy because these two things are haunting my dreams at night. Ugh.
I voted all of the above, but I'm really just jealous.
I wish I could obsess of any of those things instead of whether or not my children are going to be harmed by their psychotic father, or whether or not my BSC ex-IL's are going to take me to court for visitation.
I'm just bitter and grumpy because these two things are haunting my dreams at night. Ugh.
I'm don't have nearly those same concerns but wanted to echo your sentiment about the jealousy thing. Sometimes I wish I DID care that much about these things. But I don't. And at the end of the day, I think it helps me remain sane.
Can I make my own combination? How about the ones who will lose their sh*t if their kid gets a ding-dong for snack, but then will call someone else a helicopter parent for being too involved in their kids' school. Like it's any less helicopter-ish to try to control what their kid eats at school than to want open communication with the kid's teacher.
I am not talking about 1 specific person, this is just something that happens here all the time that makes me laugh.
I should have voted all of the above. Because some of the "obsessions" make me laugh. I just want to post "oh yeah, wait until they are teenagers. THEN you will have something to worry about".
I should have voted all of the above. Because some of the "obsessions" make me laugh. I just want to post "oh yeah, wait until they are teenagers. THEN you will have something to worry about".
ditto lol
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant
My favorite verse!
I should have voted all of the above. Because some of the "obsessions" make me laugh. I just want to post "oh yeah, wait until they are teenagers. THEN you will have something to worry about".
OMG so true, raising a teen sucks and I would do the 4 and 2yo stage over the teen girl any day...SD is almost 22 now but man our house was crazy when she was a teen.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: I need to update my poll re: nest things that make you roll your eyes
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I didn't mean you!
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I roll my eyes at all extremists - for any of the topics above.
Of course, my definition of extreme is likely way different than most!
I voted all of the above, but I'm really just jealous.
I wish I could obsess of any of those things instead of whether or not my children are going to be harmed by their psychotic father, or whether or not my BSC ex-IL's are going to take me to court for visitation.
I'm just bitter and grumpy because these two things are haunting my dreams at night. Ugh.
I'm don't have nearly those same concerns but wanted to echo your sentiment about the jealousy thing. Sometimes I wish I DID care that much about these things. But I don't. And at the end of the day, I think it helps me remain sane.
I am not talking about 1 specific person, this is just something that happens here all the time that makes me laugh.
I must be getting mellow in my advanced age (30 TOMORROW) b/c none of these make me roll my eyes.
Or I'm guilty of obsessing about all of these. Hmm.
ditto lol
OMG so true, raising a teen sucks and I would do the 4 and 2yo stage over the teen girl any day...SD is almost 22 now but man our house was crazy when she was a teen.