
Ok, Another Booster Question...

GHM and others - I know you gave me some great booster suggestions for DD#1.  She's tiny.  She *might* be 35lbs and is 42 inches (I know because she could ride the rides at Sea World).  The problem is that school won't buckle the kids into the carseats and she's back to telling me she can't do it (or do it well since it has to be loose).  I'm going to keep trying to work on it, but I know a lot of her friends are in boosters and have been for years so I think this is playing into it. 

FWIW, she's almost 5 and a half and very mature and good about sitting her in seat and everything.  Which boosters (if I decide to go that route) are best for tiny kids?  I know you told me a few that were better for shorter/little hips that would position the belt belt, but I can't find where I saved the post.  TIA!!  And am I a horrible person to be thinking about this?  I feel so guilty but I'm having the worst time at pick up after school trying to figure out how to do this and there is literally *no where* to pull over and help her buckle or get her tight or anything.

Re: Ok, Another Booster Question...

  • I really like our Sunshine Kid's Monterey . The company has changed names, but I highly recommend it!
  • We have the Recaro Vivo. It's rated for 30-100 lbs. The booster isn't all that easy to buckle though either. I think DD had an easier time buckling the harness.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • Harnessed seats are actually easier (most of the time) to buckle than a seat belt in a booster in a rush. 

    Since she's so teeny, I'd stick with the harnessed seat. The school may not like it, but they dont have the authority to force you to use a child restraint that isn't entirely appropriate for your child, nor can they make you drive away without making sure your child is buckled. It may take 30 extra second (oh, the horror!) but it's entirely possible to get her in and buckled and tightened in less than a minute. Believe me, I do it every day! 

    However, if you DO end up going the booster route, the Graco TurboBooster (high back) is a great choice. It fits smaller kids incredibly well, it's not too hard to buckle, and it's only about $45. 

  • my dd is like yours.. 5 1/2 .. maybe 37lb.  43 or 44 inches.  shes' been asking for a booster for months (classmates started talking about their new seats towards the end of prek).  I was considering it for the pick up and drop off line too, right now we have been parking a block away and walking her to the door b/c she's still nervous about the whole process of everything.  but my kids attended a preschool that did pick up and drop off car lines for the last few years.  I taught them to get their arms in and buckle the top clasp and then I'd pull up and over a bit/maybe a blocks' distance (not even) away and finish buckling them. my son (the almost 4y/o) figured out how to do the whole process... but doesn't do it as much on his own anymore.  I think as they get bigger it gets harder to get the bottom in view to clasp.  we've been researching boosters and our top three picks are sunshine monterey,  britax parkway sgl, and clek oobr.... b/c we want a latch system for our own convenience.  We still have not ordered anything... still debating. a friend recommended a recaro... but the booster doesn't have a latch.   
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