
augmentin (sp?) and 4 month old?

Hello.  My poor 4 month old had an ear infection two weeks ago and Amox helped but did not kill it because it came back in both ears two days after he stopped taking it.  Now the doctor put him on Augmentin and I swear he is starting with seems like reflux from the first day of taking it (yesterday).  I go back to the doctor tomorrow but has this happened to any of you.  I hate he is on this so young but I know it has to be treated.  My first kid didn't have his first ear infection or cold until after 1.  :)  this sucks!

Re: augmentin (sp?) and 4 month old?

  • Augmentin is terribly hard on the stomach.  Basically it's amoxicillin with another drug (clavulanic acid) added to it to make it overcome drug resistance.  The clavulanic acid is what makes it so nasty.  It will upset their tummies and it most likely will cause diarrhea.  Yucky diarrhea. 

    Give it with a feeding to lessen some of the stomach issues.  That was the only one that really helped my DS when we were dealing with his EIs. 

    Hope he feels better soon.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Thanks so much.  That is what I will do, give it with a feeding.  I feel so bad for him and not to mention I am getting no sleep and he won't finish his bottles because of the stomach issues now.  He will arch his back and cry in pain after 2 oz.  I assume it's reflux and it all started on the day he took agumentin.  Thanks again.
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  • My son had a horrible time with ear infections as an infant.  We tried augmentin once and it was awful - we had to stop after two days because it made him so sick (vomiting and diarrhea). I'm drawing a complete blank on the name of the one we switched to. I think it started with an "I" but I'm not sure.  In any case that was much easier for him to tolerate, but talked to a lot of parents who said that was worse for their kids and augmentin was easier to tolerate.
  • I just remember - it was Omnicef that we switched to after the augmentin disaster. (I have no idea why I was thinking of an "I"!)
  • Augmentin is a little biy harder on the stomach.  When you go to the doctors, bring your concern up.  They might switch the medicine.
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