wow, feels like Ihaven't been here in ages...anyway...I need your help ladies.
ds has recently taken to spitting out his milk or water or whatever he is drinking. He fills his mouth from the glass, bends over and let's it pour onto the floor/carpet. He also does this in the carseat. He'll fill his mouth with h2o and open it enough for the water to pour down his chin. He ends up all wet by the time we get to where we are going. It's gross. We tell him no and take away his drink, but he just laughs. Is this a phase? Please tell me it will pass or give me an idea of how to make him stop. Thanks!
Re: how do I stop the spitting?
DD does this occasionally. Hopefully it will pass!! I like the pp's advice. If it gets really bad maybe use time out? 1st give a warning describing exactly what he's doing that you don't like. Next time, he sits in t/o for a minute and a half. That may get his attention. Good Luck!