Indiana Babies

Post 2 of 2: What do you do with...

Digital photos?

I am so overwhelmed. We take SO many photos. I manage to get most of them uploaded to my computer and our external hard drive for safe keeping, but I only find time to get maybe a third of them uploaded to Snapfish. If I am really motivated I will make a photo book of certain special pictures (for example, I made one of both kids' newborn photos, a few from special vacations, etc) but the vast majority sit in their digital form in a folder in a folder in a folder on my laptop. Will they ever see the light of day? The thought of sorting through them to toss the crappy ones makes me want to vomit (that only occurs in a limited sense when I post some to FB). Is it worth it to get prints made and keep them in a photo box or is that no different? I don't think I will ever find the time to put all of the decent ones in albums...


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Re: Post 2 of 2: What do you do with...

  • great question!  i don't think i have a good system for my photos.  but here's what i do:

    1.  every so often, i do order prints of our good pics and store them in photo albums.  my reason for this?  i guess mainly b/c it's what my mom did. ha.  and i do like going through and looking at them and my overthinking brain thinks that at some point my children will need pictures for school projects (or something) and it will be handy to have pics they can choose from and use.  as a sidenote: audrey also loves looking at the albums and naming people.

    2. i have a blog and my favorite pics are used in blog posts.  each year i turn the past year's posts into a book.  so our pictures are also used for that book and we have copies of them in there. 

    3. i'm really bad about doing it, but i know our photos should be backed up.  i haven't done it since last spring, but i stored all our pictures on cds. 

    i'd love to hear what system the rest of you have!

  • I'm working on something I saw on Pinterest [I have a problem, lol].

    Get a bunch of blank CD's & a photo box. Organize your photos by month & year. You could also have certain disks for "So & So's birthday, Christmas, etc". 

    This way you have them safe somewhere, easily accessible, & you're not overwhelmed with them on your computer.

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  • Our LO is only 3 months old and I already have SO MANY pictures, so I know how overwhelming it is!

    We get some pictures printed to put in frames and give to the grandparents/family members/etc. I also plan on making a digital photobook of LO's pictures each year (from I wish I had the time to do scrapbooks or photo albums with actual printed pictures, but photobooks will be quicker and easier for me!

    I am bad at this, but I try to upload my pics to flickr so I'll have a backup if anything were to happen to my computer.

  • CVS, Walgreens, and many other places allow you to make coffee table style books with your pictures. They're really easy to make and a great way to have them around for friends and family to view.
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