thanks for all the advice and encouragement with the breastfeeding. dh and i made the decision tonight to just start pumping and eventually FF. DH said the choice was up to me, and that he would fully support me either way (although i'm quite certain his prerference is FF b/c it means the return of my sanity sooner).
although we had managed to get in a couple of good feedings early in the day, they were still stressful. at lunchtime we battled together for 30 minutes before i could get her to latch on. then this afternoon and evening i couldn't get her to latch at all. the only thing accomplished was lots of tears from her and myself.
i think i have to come to terms with the fact that breastfeeding just may not be for me. i absolutely hate the guilt that comes with that. but i realized i was dreading feeding my own daughter for the tears it would bring. i'm telling myself we can bond better over a bottle than we can both crying and frustrated with each other.
if you read this whole post - thanks. i think i needed to type it out to encourage myself that i made a good decision and it doesn't make me less of a good mom because my daughter gets a bottle instead of a breast.
Re: decision made
Good for you for realizing what is important.
I'm still struggling with BF (as a supplement) and have decided I will give it one more month (To use up all the Reglan I have) and then after that, I think I'll be finished. It's such a struggle, and yesterday I was only able to pump twice at work because of meetings all day. boo.
On average, I only pump ~ 8oz a day and feed 2 times with supplementing formula after the two maybe at most I'm making 12 oz a day. No where near the amount needed for him. If it weren't for the Reglan, I'd be making half of that.
Do what works for you!
For personal reasons, I FF both of mine from the start. I had some guilt with my first, but me second time around I was thankful for the decision. & my DH enjoys his feeding time with the babies as well.
You are a great Mom. This whole FF guilt is only on thebump, I swear. I've never seen it in real life.
Seriously, two months ago...I could have written your exact post.
When I finally decided, for my own sanity, to start FFing after 6 weeks of pumping NON-STOP because of latch issues, things got SO much better. LO was so much happier and I didn't DREAD feeding him like I did when he would just scream the whole time I was trying to get him to latch.
I really thought I was going to lose my mind those first few weeks from the stress of breastfeeding.
Just know that you are not a bad momma for making this decision. You are doing what is best for you and, in turn, what is best for your baby!