Would I be a 2VBAC??

I'm due in March with my third. My first DD was a planned c-section, and then I successfully had a VBAC last July at a hospital with a VBAC ban. This time I'm going to a hospital which states right on their website that they support VBAC. I'm hoping this time will be less stressful than both of my last deliveries! 
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Re: Would I be a 2VBAC??

  • Wow good for you!  I've heard how hard it can be to have a VBAC at some hospitals.  I hope your new hospital is wonderful for your second VBAC!
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  • Congratulations!  I want to hear how you VBACed at a hospital with a ban!?
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  • way to go!!!!! Good luck!
    DC:#1 10/2006 born at 40 weeks (33 weeks PTL)
    DC#2 born silent at 22 weeks 1.11.11
    Dc#3 born vbac 1/2012 <bra DC#4 born VBAC 3/2014
  • imagemyantonia:
    Congratulations!  I want to hear how you VBACed at a hospital with a ban!?

    I would love to hear more about this as well. 

    Good luck with your second VBAC.   If you've already had one VBAC, your odds of uterus rupture go way down and your odds of success go way up. :)


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imageiris427:

    Congratulations!  I want to hear how you VBACed at a hospital with a ban!?

    I would love to hear more about this as well. 

    Good luck with your second VBAC.   If you've already had one VBAC, your odds of uterus rupture go way down and your odds of success go way up. :)

    Yes I think the NIH report said something like 96% success rate? Very high. Add a supportive hospital to that, and I can imagine you're breathing a huge sigh of relief!

    Please tell us about your experience with a VBAC-ban hospital! I think many women would benefit from hearing how you were successful.

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  • The hospital I went to changed their policy and banned VBACs when I was almost 28 weeks into my last pregnancy. I considered changing doctors at that point, but any that I called wouldn't take me that far along. Luckily, I had a very supportive doctor who completely disagreed with the hospital's new policy. She told me she wouldn't make me schedule a c-section until I was at 41 weeks and that if I went into labor before then I could wait at home as long as possible in hopes that I would be ready to deliver shortly after getting to the hospital. Afterall, if the baby is ready to come out they can't hold him in and force you to have a c-section she told me. 

    The whole plan had me super stressed, but a week before my due date my water broke at 1 am. I stayed home until 8 am when my contractions were close and the pain was becoming unbearable. Of course, when I got there the nurses were all talking about what time my c-section would be. I had to stay in triage because they couldn't move me to a real l&d room as a VBAC. My doctor showed up at about 10am and I was at 6 or 7 cm. My options were do a c-section right then or schedule it for 3pm and hope my body cooperated before then. I chose to schedule the c-section for 3pm, although I was worried I was going to go through all that labor pain for 4 more hours and wind up with a c-section anyways. They finally moved me to a real room at that point. Luckily, I progressed very quickly and delivered just before noon. I had no epidural, but can't say was completely drug free because I had 1mg of Stadol. Even as I was ready to push, the nurses were like "hold on you have to sign this VBAC liability waiver first." I got the birth experience I wanted, but with a lot of extra stress and headaches. 

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