Successful VBAC on Due Date

So I don't really post - but I've always read this board as I was preparing for my VBAC.  So I just thought I'd post my story.  My first child (DS) was born via c/s after being induced and pushing for a couple hours.  He was face up.  I knew since that day that I wanted a VBAC with my second child since the recovery from the c/s was not fun at all.  My doctor was somewhat supportive but said since I pushed for so long with DS - the statistics were not in my favor. 

My due date was august 18th and my doctor had suggested early on the I be induced with this one too.  I was very against that and so we waited it out.  I was 100% sure I would have this baby at least a week early - so as that time came and went I became a bit impatient.  At every appointment from 36 weeks on she stripped my membranes - I went from a 1 (36wks) to a 1-2(37wks) to a 2(38wks) and finally a 3 at my 40 week appointment (on my due date).  I had an appointment at 9 on my due date.  I woke up - got ready for work and had a couple contractions getting ready so I decided just to call my boss and say I wouldn't be in before my appointment (I mostly just wanted to sleep in some more!).  I went into my appointment and had a NST since it was my due date and had a couple contractions during that time (30min).  My Dr. checked me and I was at a 3 - She asked what I wanted to due (regarding waiting/ rc/s)  and I said I would like to be induced if this child didn't come by Monday.  We agreed that if I didn't go into labor in the next 4 days - she would start me on a very little bit of pitocin.  She stripped my membranes (4th time in 4 wks) and we went on our way. 

I was having some more contractions and decided I would grab some lunch and see if the contractions would continue or not.  I went home ate lunch and they continued coming.  I started timing them at about 11 and they were 2-4 minutes apart but only 20 to 40 seconds long.  They weren't very painful so I tried laying down, taking a shower and walking around to see if they would continue or not.  They kept coming and I called DH and told him to leave DS at his step-moms (she was watching him while he did errands).  I told him to take his time though since I wasn't sure I was in labor or not.  DH got home around 12 and I still didn't know if it was the real deal.  The contractions were getting more painful but between contractions there was no pain (which I wasn't sure if that is how it was supposed to be).  Finally after a few bad contractions around 1:30 I told DH that we needed to go to the hospital.  Surprisingly he didn't think it was time to go - he said "Shouldn't your water break first?"  I realized at this point that we should have reviewed signs of labor!  He quickly finished his lunch and took a potty break (I told him too since I still wasn't sure).  I really just wanted to avoid getting turned away from L&D.  The car ride wasn't too horrible - but definitly not fun.  It took about 20 minutes to get to the hospital.  I had a few contractions on the walk in and had to stop and lean over a few times.  They put us in a waiting room because there were no rooms ready.  After about 5 minutes I started having to moan through contractions which were 1-2 minutes apart since the beginning of the car ride.  After another 10 or so minutes of waiting I told DH that he needed to go tell them that I was in serious labor and needed a room.  Luckily a few seconds after that they came and took me to a room.  I got changed quickly and laid down.  The nurse asked me a few questions and after hooking me up and monitoring for 10 or so minutes she checked me (probably because I was moaning loudly through each contraction and they were so close together).  She said I was a 7 and had a bulging bag of water.  About 30 seconds later my water broke and I started to panic that I wouldn't be able to get an epidura since she started getting the stuff out for delivery.  DH started to call family.  After panicking for about 15 minutes I got some Nubain that was AMAZING.  About 10 minutes later  and 3 tries a student Dr. got the epidural in and I finally could relax.  The nurse also said at this point that if my contractions hadn't slowed down she would have to give me a shot of something to slow them down (not sure if this is because I was a VBAC or not).  About an hour later the nurse checked me because I had felt a bit of pressure and she said I was complete and at a +2.  I couldn't believe that I was going to get my VBAC!  We had to wait another hour+ for the doctor (he was in a c/s.  I actually was glad to wait since everything else had gone so quickly.  The doctor came in and I pushed for about 15 minutes and our came our little girl.  We were team Green and I had a feeling she was a girl.  She weight 7lb 13oz and 20.5 inches long.  She was born at 5:32 pm.  I had some tearing - but nothing too bad.  My recovery has been much better than after DS.  We actually went to the zoo when DD was 2 weeks old.

Well Enough rambling on....I hope everyone gets the birth experience they want and all the little ones are all healthy!

Re: Successful VBAC on Due Date

  • I'm glad you had a successful and complication free VBAC!  It's always good to hear that the recovery was better than a c/s too!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • Awww congrats!! =]
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  • Your birth story gives me hope for a VBAC for myself.  I was induced with my first baby, and pushed for a couple hours and no luck, he was face up too.

    when I went for my preconception appointment last week my OB told me the same thing, that looking at the fact that i was induced and pushed a couple hours with no luck didnt make a future VBAC look too likely.... we are officially TTC this cycle and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a positive.... and then a VBAC!

    Congratulations =)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Previously posted as "denisethebride"
  • great story!!!
    DC:#1 10/2006 born at 40 weeks (33 weeks PTL)
    DC#2 born silent at 22 weeks 1.11.11
    Dc#3 born vbac 1/2012 <bra DC#4 born VBAC 3/2014
  • Congrstulations! Thank you for sharing.
        DS1 9.24.2010      DS2 4.18.2012        DS3 12.15.2013

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    Lilypie - (fyXz)

    Lilypie - (28Zf)

  • Congrats!  Glad to hear you go your VBAC.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Thanks for sharing. I need to see these positive stories!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congratulations!!!!  I have a few questions:

    How long was your whole labor?
    How long did you labor at the hospital before she was born?
    Did they start monitoring you as soon as you got there?  Did you have continuous monitoring?


    Baby Boy #1 born on 3/21/08 
    BFP 8/2/10 (3w5d); No more heartbeat on 8/30/10 (7w4d); D&C on 9/2/10 (8w) - Baby Boy with Triploidy
    BFP 12/3/10 (4w2d); Natural miscarriage 12/12/10 (5w4d) - Unknown cause
    Diagnosed with Compound Heterozygous MTHFR
    BFP 3/9/11; Baby Boy #2 born on 11/7/11
    Currently TTC Baby #3

  • Great story - gives me hope for a VBAC sometime in my future!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Congratulations!  Your story gives me hope, as my son was born via c/s after pushing for 3 hours and making no progress (he was also sunny side up).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How long was your whole labor?  Labor was about 8 hours.
    How long did you labor at the hospital before she was born?  I labored at the hospital for 3.5 hours, thought I was complete after 2 (probably more) - But since I didn't feel any pressure and dr was in a c-section, I was glad to have some 'downtime' and labor down for a bit.
    Did they start monitoring you as soon as you got there?  Did you have continuous monitoring?  They did start monitoring me as soon as I got there and did continuous monitoring.  Since I was already a 7 and wanted an epidural, I had no trouble with the monitoring since I got the epidural about a half hour after getting into the room.  I do believe they wouldn't have had trouble with me getting out of bed if I wanted.


    Good luck!



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