Infertility Veterans

Spotting 6dp5dt??

I am feeling kind of defeated at this point.  I came home from my first day of school and had a bit of pink spotting when I went to the bathroom.  I am also kind of crampy.  I took an HPT and it was negative.  I am trying to remain hopeful, but it is so, so hard!  Spotting is not normal at this point, right?  It is too late for implantation I think.  I have my beta on Friday.  I might hold off on any more HPT's until then.  This waiting sucks!

After 1 IUI, 3 IVF's with CGH/CCS testing, 10 early miscarriages, and lots of tears and frustration, we are moving on to Domestic Infant Adoption!  We are so excited to see what the future holds.

Re: Spotting 6dp5dt??

  • I'm so sorry.  I hope it's just implantation bleeding and you have tested to early.  I'm 9dp3dt and the waiting is killing me too.  Hang in there!  Hugs!

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  • Hang in there... I'm 8dp5dt and started spotting today.. I tested negative 6dp5dt and praying that there is till some hope..  My beta is tomorrow.  There is still hope for you. Don't give up just yet..  
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  • I am pulling for you over here! Crossing my fingers and saying prayers (God is probably all like "who are you again?") and sending so many good vibes your way. I know it's hard not to jump the gun and get yourself down but try to keep your head up. I hope today has been a better day for you! :)
    Me: 31, Dx: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Elevated AMH of 18 DH: 34 & borderline morphology issues IUI#1/cycle with Menopur & Novarel = Mild OHSS & BFN IUI#2/cycle with Menopur & Novarel = BFN IVF#1 converted to FET due to moderate OHSS 21 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilized 7 frosties, 6 genetically normal December 5th FET with one perfect blast = BFN FET #2 = early February
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