I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. It is not meant to be offensive.
Sunday while it is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, it is also the day that ended my rescind period in GA. I have always said that if 9/11 had happened just 1 or 2 days earlier, I would have called and asked for K back. Don't get me wrong, I NEVER wanted 9/11 to happen. I lost family that day. But that tragedy happened on 9/11 for me, for a reason. I know God doesn't want bad things to happen, but when they do there is a reason. Because of when the tragedy occurred, K and I are both better off with the choice I made 10 years ago and not being able to change my mind.
So this past weekend I mentioned to someone that I plan to stay as busy as possible this coming weekend so I do not have to think about Sunday. They said, "OMG! Do you not want to honor all the people that died? How can you only think about yourself and forget what happened?"
I think I stared at them with my mouth open for a good 30 seconds before I could recover. I explained my point of view in the situation VERY carefully, eventhough I wanted to ask them to shut up. I told them, yes I will honor those that died, including my dad's best friend and a few relatives that were in the towers. But that 9/11 had a very personal connection to me that I cannot handle. I thank God in my own way for the timing of the tragedy.
Re: OMG! Some people need a stupid filter
Not offensive to me at all.
I'm really sorry that person is so stupid. I've been thinking about you, hope you're doing ok.
So sorry you were dealing with stupid.
I'd forgotten your 9-11 link...
I totally get what you mean about it would have changed your plans. All of us see life differently now... and you were at such a pivotal place in life.
Hugs in advance...