Hi, just looking for some advice from everyone with older preemies. Cameron was 10 weeks early and is now 13 months. He hasn't yet started to walk. He is pulling up on everything, climbing on things etc, but not walking.
I also think he may have some speech delays. He only says 4 words and just makes sounds, not really talking.
Re: When did your preemie start walking?
If I understand it, Cameron's adjusted age is under 11 months, yes? I definitely don't think he has a speech delay! A few words by 12 months adjusted would be right on target. My 33-weeker has a speech delay and just started speech therapy. She is 14 months adjusted today and only says "mama" and "dada." She does not vocalize much at all or mimic our sounds. Her receptive language measured at an 18-20 month level, but she is delayed expressively.
As for walking, my little one can take several steps but is not full-on walking. At 11 months, it sounds like your little one is doing great!
My girls were 6 weeks early.
Baby B started walking at 14mths and Baby A started walking at 16 mths.
Andrew took his first steps at 17 1/2 months adjusted age, 21 months actual. He was unsteady for a while, and later we discovered he pronates and needs orthotics which has helped so much. Definitely do not worry yet...give him a coupe of months.
It also sounds like, as of now, his speech is pretty on track. Andrew was/is speech delayed. We had an eval done when at 18 months he had just 1 word and 2 sounds. His pedi wasn't even concerned (wtf). 4 words, I think, is pretty good at a year old! Esp if he is babbling a lot of sounds.
DS was 8 weeks early and started walking at 15 months actual.
He didn't have any speech delays, I can't remember now what's expected.
His speech doesn't sound delayed at all! 'Normal' kids are expected to have 5-10 words by 18m, so to have 4 now is great! DD has 4 (maybe 5). She 'talks' a lot, but it sounds like babble. Her receptive language is great, though, and she can follow directions well - but she's also a bit older than your DS!
She took her first steps right before 1 y/o adjusted and was walking decently by 14m (12.5 adjusted). I'm pretty sure walking is also considered an 18m skill, so don't worry! It's hard because the general public thinks that kids should be walking by a year, but it's not true and that's on the early side.
I would definitely go by his adjusted age, and by that his speech seems advanced and his gross motor seems to be right on track! My cousin's full term kid didn't walk until close to 18m and there is nothing wrong with him. I know it's hard not to stress, but if he is working out all of his muscles, then he'll get it at his own pace.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM