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another potluck dessert recipe question

If I wanted to make some for dessert (not involving chocolate) since I think a lot of people will bring a chocolate type dessert what options are there aside from blondies (thanks babbs)?

I'd like it to be portable/disposable dish so I don't have to worry about bringing it home.

Re: another potluck dessert recipe question

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    I made blondies in one of the throw away silver things in the baking isle. I think you can do pretty much anything in those.


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    lemon/pineapple/cheesecake bars

    Also another trifle idea is Angel Food Cake/strawberries(any berries)/vanilla pudding/whipped cream


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    Do you like pumpkin and/or would a fall dessert be good? I have a recipe for some kickass pumpkin bars... They are a bit labor intensive, but so worth it. I will go hunt it down and ETA. Or else I love apple blondes in the fall, for a spin on the traditional blondie. apple cake? Pumpkin bread? Pumpkin cheesecake (in bar form if you want to use a disposable pan)?

    ETA: Recipe for gingerbread pumpkin bars:
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    You could do strawberry shortcake - bake an ageless food cake from a box - or buy one - and slice it, then serve with real whipped cream on the side along with a defrosted bag or two of strawberries that you added sugar to (macerated).
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    This is a recipe that I received from a friend of mine and it was a hige hit.

    One tub of Cool Whip

    One package of Cream Cheese (softened)

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla

    Mix it all together and serve with strawberries. It tastes like Strawberry Cheesecake.

    TTC since 10/06 - Went to RE after 6 months of TTC due to AMA -Diagnosed with MIF 5/07, only option IVF with ICSI - IVF #1 cancelled due to cyst, never got to ER - IVF #1.5 10/07, BFP - Robert Andrew born 7/30/08 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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