So, at my growth ultrasound yesterday baby A weighed 3 lb. 4oz. which was only up 4 oz since two weeks ago. Babies B and C both weighed over 4 lbs. Also, A's fluid has always been the lowest. The past week or two it keeps getting lower and lower at each BPP ultrasound but was always over 2 cm. Finally today, it was under 2 cm and she failed her BPP. My nurse called my dr. and he said he is concerned because of her weight and fluid. I have been feeling a lot of pressure again today too. Ugh...I just need someone to tell me they will be ok at this point. I was determined to get to 34 weeks. Please say a prayer for my girls! Thanks ladies!
Re: I'm scared...
Oh Sara, you are doing so great! You have all ready made it 32w with those sweet little girls. They will be ok if they need to come out now, if they choose to come out be it bc A leaks a little fluid or if you go into labor- they will be fine, every single person in your hospital will be there to help with your girls. We all have pregnancy plans, the thing that sucks is sometimes those babies miss the memo.
You are doing a great job, you lasted longer that I did and I had twins. They will be fine and I will keep you and your little ones in my prayers.
Zeidy ?
They will be ok if they are born at this point!!!! There are women in Gomott who had their babies sooner than that, and their babies were fine. They may need a little extra NICU time (or they may not), but they will be ok. I know, it sucks to not make it where you were hoping to, but to get to where you are at, with triplets, is really really good. One woman had hers at 27 weeks, and they were home 8 weeks later-(which is really good for 27 weeks!)
Do you have help at all once the babies are born? What part of Orlando do you live in? I would love drop some meals off for you once you are home, or if you need anything else at all don't hesitate to ask:) Don't stress, I know its scary but you have done great, and your babies will be beautiful and healthy:)
you are doing so great! if they are born today, they will be fine! those are great weights! have you had the steroid shots?
seriously, 32 weeks is fantastic!!!
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I'm not an expert with triplets, I only have twins but I think 32 and half weeks is fantastic! There are plenty of women with triplets that don't make it that long. The girls will be ok, you have done a great job getting them this far!
Sending you prayers and good vibes for another week or two of pregnancy!
YOu are doing a great job. that is the same thing that happened to me.I have 32 weekers and they are doing great!!! My last one came out of NICU at 21days and he was the biggest of the 3. You have girls so they will do fine. MY little girl the smallest of the 3 was the healthiest of the 3,and has always been more advanced then my boys.