I'm checking prices for phones. I'm trying to decide if I really want a new phone or if I just want an ipad. I'm really only looking because I am tired of doing much of nothing in the car line for an hour.
The plans seem pretty outrageous. If you have a phone with data or an ipad, how much data do you use monthly? And since I am pretty clueless with the terminology, I guess I will need something that can be online anywhere?
If you don't mind answering, who and what do you have? and how much do you pay monthly?
Re: Shopping for a new phone
I have an HTC Inspire with ATT and love it.
I have no idea how much we pay though. Mid 100s for both our phones, I think, but I'm too lazy to log in and see for sure.
Are you looking to get online while in the car line? If so, the ipad won't work unless there is Wi-fi to log into.
I have a Droix X and I love it. No idea of the cost b/c DH's work picks it up.
Well, if she subscribes to 3g she wont need wifi. I would not even consider getting an ipad without subscribing to 3g. It is actually more difficult in my opinion these days hooking into available wifi. I love my ipad. and my iphone :-)
I've told you ours-- we pay $165 for 2 data plans with verizon. That includes 1100 minutes plus 10 free friends/family and texting (500 texts, I think). I know the data plans have changed since we've had ours--we have unlimited data for $30/month each. The new plans have you pay for what you need, but I know the last 2 months I've used more than the $30 plan gives you now. The $165 also includes our insurance. We do get a 20% discount, though, so it's 20% more than that (the 20% may just be off of the base plan before the data and insurance though). Before we got the discount (employer discount) we were paying about $200.
Do you have sprint or ATT? Are you open to switching carriers and are you up for an upgrade?
My internet has been down!
I have sprint now. I was hoping to not have to go to verizon, but so many people I know have verizon.
I don't know. I think I am way too cheap to get something new. If I cannot use it in the car line while I am sitting there for an hour, it's not worth it. But, I do not see me paying a small fortune to be able to have 3G. I only pay $54 a month right now and I only have 450 minutes, which I am already close to this month! and unlimited texts.
I use mine anywhere and everywhere. I don't pay extra for 3g, and many phones have the data plans without 3g.