So I am really getting annoyed that each week my grocery store trip is at least $130. I barely even bought food today for us - just stuff for the kids, paper towels, etc.
Do you feel that your Sam's or Costco memberships help you keep costs down especially on toilet paper, paper towels, etc?
Re: Can you really save on items at Sams/Costco?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I think they are cheaper, but not the cheapest. If one has time to really seriously coupon and shop the store sales, I think you can do better than Costco/Sam's for things like paper products. Since we never have things like double coupons around here, and serious, serious couponing takes more time than I have or am willing to dedicate to it, it's a good compromise between buying at the grocery store and doing coupons.
I have found that Sam's is not cheaper on diapers than Amazon. I'm also more willing to do coupons + store sales and things like CVS Extra Bucks on diapers. Sam's also has a good price on gas, although ours is not close enough to use on a regular basis.
Our membership is up in November, right when we'll be done with formula. We'll probably buy a ton of TP and paper towels before the membership expires and then not renew it.
Yeah, part of it for us is that I am not a hardcore couponer (don't have the time/patience) and Costco is 2 miles from my house, so it's an easy trip.
But, we do get 2 gallons of milk for the price of a single gallon at the grocery store, and the cheese we use a ton of (Tillamook) is much, much cheaper. Also, the huge box of OxiClean is a good deal, as well as the laundry detergent, cat food, cat litter, etc.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
we get our paper goods, frozen goods, pantry staples and bread items there. also vitamins, shampoo/conditioner, laundry soap, etc. and gas.
we also get 2% back which makes the membership free.
I found it a lot cheaper to do a Costco run vs. getting it all at the grocery store, esp. during the 1st year with the girls. We felt we saved a ton on things like wipes, formula, and any other bulk item that they had a generic of (Kirkland brand). Their wine was cheaper too
I esp. felt it was a cost saver to shop at Costco when we used to live in NY--the grocery store prices were always much higher. Now that we're in TX, we tend to just run to Super Walmart for the majority of items but we do plan on rejoining Costco once baby #3 comes and we'll need more bulk items for cheap.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the 2% cash back. We have an executive membership too, and it pays for itself!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Thanks girls! I certainly don't have time/patience to coupon. We love Amazon Mom and only like Pampers. I already shop at Walmart (which I really hate but is the closest by far) it's not like I'm even going to an expensive store.
Maybe we'll try it out and see.
Same here. If you stick to your list of items you need and stay away from all the impulse buys, you can save a ton!