When I got pregnant with #2 I had a ton of guilt for #1. In hind-sight I know it was silly to think that way, but at the time I was really stressed about taking something away from DD. It's been a long time since I have felt this guilt, but tonight as I was putting DD to bed she just melted my heart. This was our conversation:
DD - Mommy, was I a sad baby?
Me-(shocked) of course not honey, you were a very happy baby. Why would you think that?
DD-Because I was all alone and didn't have my brother to play with. I must have been sad before he was born.
Though I know she loves her brother, it's just so nice to hear her talk like that.
Re: Some encouragement
My friend has kids who have the same age gap as my kids. The oldest just started kindergarten this week, and her son's teacher said he cried multiple times a day because he missed his sister so much. So cute!!!