
Stillwaiting - Michael Update Please

I saw your reply to that other post.  Give us a Michael update!

Re: Stillwaiting - Michael Update Please

  • I'm sorry! It has been super busy since Thursday evening outside of the NICU and I have been pooped when I get home for the night. So Michael did spike a temp on Friday early morning and the docs thought it may be something viral but they wanted to rule out everything. They drew labs, started antibiotics for a 48 hour rule out, gave him a little Tylenol and then ended up doing a lumbar puncture just to make sure they checked everything they could. So far all have come back clean. The fever hasn't returned since Friday afternoon and as of our 7:30 visit last night his heart rate was much closer to his norm. Whatever it was, it seems to have made it's exit, hopefully. He is still on bubble cpap and we expecthe will be there for a while longer. His pressure is at 5 and he is at about 23% oxygen. His PDA seems to be closed now also, which is awesome! He hit the 30 week gestation mark on Friday and today he is 6 weeks old! I can't believe it has already been 6 weeks!!! Thank you for continuing to think of our little man. He amazes me each day. All preemie babies, they are just so dag on strong!
    6/28/10: Lost our sweet baby Addyston at 18wk 1day to pPROM 7/24/11: Michael William born at 24wk 2d due to IC after an emergent cerclage at 18wks, 4wk home BR and 2 weeks hospital BR. Grow strong our little Miracle! 9/17/11: Michael joined his sister in heaven after 8 amazing weeks with us on earth. He fought a very hard fight but NEC was too much for him in the end. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm so impressed that he's doing so well on the bubble cpap.  He's a little rockstar!
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  • So glad to hear your little dude is truckin' along!  I think his name is Michael "The Rockstar" Stillwaiting :o)
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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