Cloth Diapering

CD'ing in the hospital?

I was wondering if anyone attempted while staying in the hospital after their LO was born? If so did you run into a problem with the staff? Or did you just wait until you came home?

Thanks ladies! I have been lurking for awhile and can't wait to start CDing next month!!

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Re: CD'ing in the hospital?

  • The staff wouldn't have cared what I did, but I didn't even manage to keep my head on straight enough to bring my bra home. I'm glad I left my cloth diapers at home and started when we got here.
  • I know people who have done it.  I wasn't prepared enough to pull it off, but she was in cloth when we left.  :)
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  • I'm planning to use the sposies the hospital provides and put on a CD as part of the going home outfit.  I don't really want to try to keep track of my CDs at the hospital.  I'm afraid someone might throw them away or mix them in with hospital laundry or something.
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  • I was all worried about CDing in the hospital.  It turned out to be a breeze.  We put it in our birth plan that we gave to the staff along with our other wishes.  I brought a dozen prefolds and two covers with us.  If I could do it over again, I would bring an extra dozen.  Luckily we had my mother to take them home with her and wash.  We were in the hospital for 2 1/2 days after DS was born.  We roomed in the whole time and DS was never out of our sight.  But I'm sure the staff would have obliged if we sent him to the nursery if we had sent a diaper in his bassinet in case he needed it.  When I went to the nursery with him for a check up, the nurses were very interested in how they worked.

     It's kinda a little bragging spot for me to know that DS has never worn a sposie.

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  • You can, but I did not. The entire time C was in the hospital I never changed his diaper. It was always a nurse, doctor, or DH. :)
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  • Thanks ladies! I'll bring some in the bag and do a wait and see approach. I appreciate the input and can't wait to start!!
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  • I am going to attempt to.  I have packed about 12 prefolds, 12ish fleece liners and 2 covers to try.  We live close enough to the hospital that if it works someone (Gmas/DH) can run home throw a load in and grab more.  I really really hope it works!
    Married - 5/2008
    DS #1 - Born 9/2011
    DS #2 - EDD 3/2014
  • I was prepared to.  I brought them all to the hospital, only to find out that our hospital only supplies cloth.  Needless to say mine never left the suitcase!  Why would I want to wash more diapers than I need to???  Anyways, check with your hospital, you might not need to bring as many as you think! ( We went through 3 trying to leave that morning so definitely pack a wet bag and a few spares!)
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  • imagedaisytoad:
    I was prepared to.  I brought them all to the hospital, only to find out that our hospital only supplies cloth.  Needless to say mine never left the suitcase!  Why would I want to wash more diapers than I need to???  Anyways, check with your hospital, you might not need to bring as many as you think! ( We went through 3 trying to leave that morning so definitely pack a wet bag and a few spares!)

    Wow, I've never heard of a hospital using cloth.  What kind were they?  

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  • They were like very cheap/thin KLo's.  More made from flannel than from terry.  No cover, and no worries that anyone would want to take them home to "pad" their stash!
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  • I thought about it but decided to only bring enough to use the day we left the hospital and then I had an unplanned c-section. My husband had never changed any sort of diaper and there I was in bed, six hours after my c-section and the baby needed a diaper change.

    We ended up being at the hospital for four days after Molly was born. There is no way we would have been able to cloth diaper her during that time. I am glad we did not plan on cloth diapering her at the hospital because we would have been stuck with Pampers with Dry Max.. (I called to ask which brand they used) so we brought Earth's Best and asked them to use them.

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  • We are planning on it!! I'm going to plan on bringing maybe 12 PFs, 2 or 3 covers and then 2 or 3 AIOs. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but I'm planning on it.

    I plan on rinsing off the meconium as much as I can while I'm there. 

    I was just reading this last night and it really helped me out:  (sorry can't make it clicky on the comp I'm on right now):

    ETA: I haven't decided if I want to deal with cloth wipes at the hospital or not, so I might just use what they have on hand for wipes. We'll see. If you DO decide to CD at the hospital, don't forget a wetbag! I might just bring my pail liner so I can just easily grab it and then throw it all in the wash when I get home. 

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  • We chose not to out of convenience, but we are almost exclusively CDing for cost not for environmental or wanting the cloth in baby. Those are perks, but not the motivation for us YKWIM? So it didn't bother us to use the pampers swaddlers they gave us. We brought the pack home and didn't even use the whole thing! We will probably do it this time though. I was just excited to jump right in, but we'll have two in diapers and honestly, the more I can get from the hospital the better! LOL If I can get a week or two of still only washing dipes for one when we first come home, I'll take it! 

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