
Should I be measuring further ahead?

I just had an appointment with my OB that was super fast because he was running more than an hour behind.  Last time I saw him, he said he'd do an ultrasound every visit.  Today we just listened to heartbeats (160 and 167).  I have only put on about 4 lbs in the last 6 weeks, bringing me back up to where I was pre-pregnancy.  I just feel like I should be bigger. I hardly have a belly. He said I was measuring 18 weeks, and "tall people hide it well."  He didn't really seem concerned, so maybe I shouldn't be, but I thought I should be bigger by now.  I see the MFM next week, but for now I'm kinda worried. 
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Re: Should I be measuring further ahead?

  • I wouldn't worry until there is something to worry about. You can drive yourself crazy with all of this kind of stuff. If you are on the taller side, then the OB has a point. I'm only 5'2" and 16 weeks was about the time that other people could tell I was pregnant unprompted.

    Don't worry. The weight will come. Enjoy touching your toes while you can! Wink

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  • I don't think you need to worry about how far ahead your measuring yet. I told my office about my pregnancy at 13 weeks and I could have hidden it a few more weeks because I still wasn't showing. I don't think my doctor even started measuring my belly until 20-something weeks.
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  • Sounds normal to me.  I only got measured once during my entire pregnancy.  At 18 weeks, I measured 20 weeks.  I had my a/s the week before and they were both right on track at that point.
  • Thanks ladies!  I know I worry too much.  I met someone yesterday who works in my building and is exactly one month behind me with twins (only 11 weeks), and she looks 4 times the size of me!  And everyone who sees me comments on how small I am.  (My MIL works in the same district as me and I'm pretty sure she's told dozens and dozens of employees we're expecting twins).  I really need to learn how to relax.
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  • That sounds pretty normal this early on. Personally, I was measuring 12w at 12w, and then 20w at 16w. By the third tri I was measuring at least 8w ahead but they didn't always bother to measure fundal height since I was having a u/s at every visit to check on the babies in a more accurate way anyway.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I just had my 17 week appt and they didn't measure me.But they did an u/s and they checked head circumference which told us GA - right at 17 wks.

    I honestly don't see the point w/ twins - maybe I'm missing something. W/ a singleton, the purpose for measuring is to check growth, but w/ twins, it doesn't necessarily tell you information about the growth of BOTH babies... idk.

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  • I am only up 1 lb from my pregnancy weight, I had a reg OB and high risk OB appointment last week and both doctors assured my the twins are right on target in terms of the their size and my belly is measuring right where it should be 


  • Your only 15w measuring 18 w....thats perfect.  I'm 24 and only measuring 27.  You don't have to measure that much ahead to be considered normal for a twin pregnancy.  I think your fine.  

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

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