I just read an introduction from another member and I realized that I never introduced myself, I am new to the whole message board scene, but i thought this would be a nice way to take a break from time to time.
I am a 29 year old momma of triplets, Lucas, Isabel and Sebastian, who are three months. They were born in May at 36 weeks exactly. They were born two days before the scheduled C-section date, which would have been my husband's birthday. We were super lucky because they were all born very healthy and none of them had to stay in the NICU.
In a few days I will be a working mom and i'm a little anxious about it. I know everything will be ok since my husband works from home and we were ale to find a part-time nanny and a friend of the family that will help out a few days a week.
Raising triplets is hard work and some days we just want to press pause and catch our breath, but at the same time we are getting so much joy from their smiles and their silliness.
I would love to learn some tips and tricks to juggling all these babies from other mothers of triplets.
Re: intro
Welcome and Congrats!!
This board is an awesome resource for MoMs! There are also several moms on here with triplets or more that I am sure could offer lots of advice to their fellow new triplet mama!
Congrats on making it to 36 weeks!! That is really inspiring and glad to hear all of your precious LOs are doing well!
Welcome! I can't imagine how tough triplets is, and I'm sure you're doing great. I've found that going back to work was tough but it also was a lot easier than being home with the little ones (although I miss them a lot). I actually get to enjoy my morning coffee without living in fear of a LO crying, needing a diaper change, begging for food, etc.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
kafunder- my little girl has that same dress, its sooo cute!!!
Also could someone tell me how to add a picture of my babies in the signature?
Lucas was the first born at 7:31. He was 4 lbs 12 oz.
Isabel was second at 7:32. She was 5 lbs 6 oz.
Sebastian was last at 7:33. He was the biggest at 5 lbs 15 oz.
I think it helped that at 29 weeks I was hospitalized for contractions and they gave me a round of steroids to help with their lung development. Luckily I was able to keep them in a little longer.
those are 3 gorgeous kids!