I can't remember. I know I've read btwn 6-7 weeks is common. So what about you??
I was nauseous for about 4-5 days right after my BFP but nada. I really hope that isn't a bad sign for this pregnancy. But, I am only 5w3d. Any thoughts as to why I would have had it and now nada. Thanks!
Re: When did M/S start for you?
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
I was sick with what we thought was food poisining the week before my BFP. And I stayed sick until about 16 weeks.
With Regan, I was only sick maybe 2 times the whole pregnancy! Don't read too much into it, be glad you aren't sick! And I have also heard some women have it the first 6 weeks and some the 2nd.
Liam is 5!
ds - weeks 6,7,8 - constant
current pregnancy...it started this week , week 5 for me. it is off an on and very mild so far.