I think we're going to get rid of Sirius...holy CRAP that sh*t is expensive!!! We pay about $300/month-ish for both DH's and my Sirius, but we both realized we don't really listen to it anymore. The only station I listen to now is Kids' Place Live, which we LOVE (me included), so I'll be sad to let that go, but it's just not worth it.
So, now I'm on the hunt for some good CDs for the car that I can get for her that won't make my ears bleed. The only one I have is a Parents CD that has cute songs on it that she's listened to since she was a baby and still likes.
Bonus points if it's Christian, although it certainly doesn't have to be and I'd like to have some plain ole' kids' songs in the mix, too.
Extra special bonus points if I can buy it on Amazon
Re: Good kiddo CDs for the car?
We love this set of Christian CDs (the set is not available on amazon right now but the individual CDs are). It's scripture set to music and I really enjoy it even as an adult.
We also love past VBS CDs like the following
I also think the soundtrack to Disney's Tangled is pretty good
thats ridiculous. i'm assuming since sirius and xm are the same thing, you should call and try to cancel. I was paying the 10 or 15 a month or whatever the standard price is. I called and canceled and they threw every offer in the book (except free for a year, the only thing that would have kept me) at me to keep me. Then they called non stop for weeks, email me, send me offers in the mail, etc. From what most of my friends have told me (including other nesties) you shouldnt be paying more than about $5 a month. When that runs out, you just threaten to cancel and they will give you the offer again.
Another vote for Seeds Family Worship - looooooooove them!
The Curious George soundtrack from Jack Johnson is great too
My girls also enjoy Adele, Amos Lee and Matt Nathanson now even though that's adult music
We also really like Dan Zanes too
j+k+m+e | running with needles
Dx: PCOS and short luteal phase
18 cycles (3 with our RE) - Metformin + Clomid + HCG booster did the trick!
BFP #1 6/22/09 EDD: 3/2/10 DS born: 3/8/10
TTC #2 since Dec 2011
BFP #2 7/8/12 EDD: 3/18/12 M/C @ 9w1d: 8/16/12