Meaning, how do I make it so they're not sad to leave and later ask to "go home"?
Our "new" house is older than our current one, so I'm fearful that they'll be sad moreso than normal because the aesthetic of the new house isn't quite as nice as our current.
I'm going to paint their rooms as soon as I can. Any other advice?
Re: Any advice on moving with the kids?
DD2 11.17.08
Have a setup box for each of their rooms and get those done first. As in, their bedding, pictures, whatever all go into one box that you carry over separately.
K was too young to care and was still cosleeping when we first moved, but M is a worry wart and it did take a fair amount of time before he considered this home.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Ahhh, I feel your pain. We moved from our house to an apartment b/c of where we were moving (i.e., we didn't know the area so we didn't want to buy).
Jackson still calls it our dirty old apartment (lol).
Kids are resilient though - I'd just try to get them to see it as an adventure and give them as much ownership as possible in their new home. What was harder for us was moving from friends/family, but he did get over it pretty quickly.
GL w/ the move!
L has lived in 4 houses in 4 years... *ug*... so take this what you will.
Each time we have moved (when he was 1, 1.5, and then 3.5), we have always had him stay somewhere for the weekend (or this last time I moved a weekend when he was at his dad's). Then, when he comes home his entire room is already put away, unpacked, etc.
This time will be a little different (we are buying again!!! OMGah!!!) because we will be doing some work in the two-three weeks prior to actually moving in. He will be around the house more, and he has been included in the home buying process--- Well at least for the second viewing of this house. When we actually get ready to move our stuff, again it will be a weekend that he is at his dad's and I will make sure his room is 1000% good to go before he comes home!
Best of luck!
I mostly lurk...but we moved across town 1.5 months ago with our 4 year old and 7 month old. What worked for us was for my SO to take prepossestion (sp?) of the house a few days early. For 2 days SO had a team at the house painting, installing new rugs, cleaning, etc. On day 3, SO came back to the old house, took the kids away for the day while I stayed to supervise to movers. I asked that thier bedroom stuff be put on the truck last so it would be the first off. As soon as we were at the new house with the moving truck (around noon), I set up the kids rooms so when they came home (new house) for dinner/bed, the bedrooms were done and ready to be slept in.
I think it really helped them feel 'at home' since they were sleeping in thier own beds with thier own stuff nearby right away.
good luck!
My DS just turned 5 and we just moved out of state two weeks ago. He has done really well. He has been super excited about school and things. I just keep telling him "this is our new home" when he asks to go home. I also explain that the people that bought the house from us are now going to live there so it is their home now. Quite honestly he has done really well with the move....I am the one that cried.