I went to my 39 week appt and my blood pressure was off the charts. I was monitored for that entire day and induced at the end of the day.
I pushed for three hours the following day and my baby girl had turned to my left side and was not coming out.
DH and I were sad we had to have a C-section but once we saw our DD all the bad feelings went away and we were full of joy. She is healthy and will be 3 weeks on Saturday.
It's been tough but we are taking one day at a time. It helps that DH is on paternity leave but I'll have to start planning better for when he returns, and then eventually when I return to work.
Re: Other unplanned C-section moms?
I was supposed to get induced the following week, but at 37w6d water broke so we went to hospital, had the epidural and progressed to a 10, did 2 practice pushes, unfortunately DS was turned slightly and his heart rate was worrying the Drs. so we went with the c-section. Best decision we ever made and will never try for a VBAC.
I was measuring large at 36w, but OB never said anything about it. At my 39w appt, I was measuring huge so they did a BPP and an NST, everything was fine. On my 40w appt (I was 40+1), I went to the hospital for a BPP, and MH talked the ultrasound tech into checking LO's size. He was measuring 10lb 6oz. So, they called OB, who ordered a growth scan....long story short:
OB called me to schedule a c-section, but I was determined to go vaginal. I feel as though doctors (some anyway) opt to do c-sections way too much and I wanted the opportunity to try to have him vaginally as I did DS#1. He wasn't happy but told me to come into the hospital to start induction. After 6 hours on pitocin and getting an epi, OB came in to break my water and again pushed the c-section because I had a hard time getting DS#1 out (he was 6lb 14oz) and I am a small girl. MH and I discussed it, and after tears, I decided it was for the best. LO was born 2 hours later at 11lb 4.5oz and 21 3/4 in.
My water broke at 38 weeks. My labor was progressing really well and going pretty quickly. I was almost at 10 and needed to push (ugh, pitocin). They tried letting me push past the "rim" of cervix that was there, but he wasn't budging. For 3 hours, I had contractions but wasn't allowed to push. The nurse checked me every 10 min, but that "rim" was still there. Finally, the doctor said I could go another hour or I could have a c-section. He said the baby may have been turned slightly and that's why he wouldn't come out. I said I wanted a c-section. I had been in labor for 15 hours and my epidural didn't work. I felt my labor and my c-section (ouch!) Afterwards, they told me there was no way he would have come out vaginally. His head was turned to the side and it was wedged.
At the time, I was relieved to have it done, but now I get sad about it. I was so out of it after, that I barely remember holding my DS for the first time. They had to keep pumping me with drugs because I was feeling a lot. I'm glad my DS was ok and everything turned out well, but we have no pictures of him when he was born, and I don't remember a lot. I'd like to try a VBAC for #2.
I was induced at 41 weeks and after FTP and DS's heart rate dropping with each dose of pitocin they finally told us we were just prolonging a c-section. I actually wasn't upset with my c-section at first but the further away from the birth experience I get the more upset it makes me. There are other things that happened such as my MIL holding DS before me that factor into it but I am still trying to come to terms with the unplanned part of the labor and birth.
Glad you have your DH to help you out though, that is one of the most important when recovering from a c-section!
I was admitted to the hospital at 34wks2days, and I left 10 days later after having a C-section due to HELLP, pre-eclampsia and a placental abruption. DS was in the NICU for about 2 weeks, but really only had trouble eating. He thankfully stayed healthy and perfectly fine through all of it. My body is still recovering and may never be the same. I'm hoping time will heal, but it looks like our next babies will have to be through other means...maybe adoption? I've been trying to cope with the whole situation and just feel like my body totally failed me. Nothing about my pregnancy was fun or pleasant, and I thought the birth experience would be what I kept picturing. I didn't get to see DS for 3 days after my section, and I still feel like I'm just babysitting someone else's baby. Thankfully I have an amazing DH who has stuck by my side since day 1. Only time will tell now.
Unplanned here!!
Induction began at 10am Thursday, water spontaneously broke n(with meconium present) at 9pm while I was only a fingertip dilated (iv started due to gbs+), epidural at 12:30am, pitocin began at 3am, 11am only 5 cm dilated and head still very high...baby was showing signs of distress and c-section was advised. Parker Gordon was born at 11:44am at 8lbs5oz with cord around his neck.
I think I dealt with it well in hospital, but broke down when about to be discharged 48 hours after delivery. I felt guilty and like a failure for the first week or so. Parker is healthy and an amazing baby so I have mostly gotten over the guilt and sense of failure now...still a bit emotional when I think about it now. Very happy to have a board to discuss this on now!!
i know what you mean about feeling like a failure, but i am getting over it too. I am glad to hear your baby is healthy. I am so grateful mine is too.
Water broke at noon at exactly 39 weeks. I was only 1 cm. was on pitocin but after 29 long hours I was stalled at 4 cm for over 8 hours. DD did not want to make the traditional entrance into this world.
I really feel like if I would have had contractions first and could have walked and move around then she would have come down. After 29 hours she was still -2 so I don't think she was putting much pressure on my cervix.
Oh well, I was extremely lucky and had an amazing recovery and would probably do a repeat c-section next time.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
BFP 12/10/10 - DD1 8/16/11
BFP 10/29/13 - c/p 11/2/13
BFP 11/29/13 - DD2 7/18/14
BFP 3/20/18 - DS1 due 12/2/18