Hi All,
I realized I have been commenting on this site but haven't introduced myself. My name is Tanya and I adopted my daughter almost 5 years ago. She will be 5 in November. I adopted as a single parent through a private adoption agency. I started the adoption process in March of 2006. At that point I was just gathering information and meeting with agencies. I sent in all of my paperwork in May had my home study in July and was approved to adopt on Sept 8, 2006. To my great surprise I was matched on Sept 28, 2006 just 20 days after being approved.
Our BM was wonderful. She let me come to her doctor's appointments and I was able to go to an ultrasound. What an experience. My daughter was born 3 weeks early the Friday after Thanksgiving. Our BM invited my Mother and me in the delivery room and I was able to cut the cord. I was so excited she let us both share in such a wonderful experience.
Our BM wanted a semi-open adoption so I send her pictures and updates every season. We agreed that if my daughter wants to meet her she can when shes 18 and finished with High School.
I joined this site to share my experience with others and to get ideas from other people about raising an adoptive child. The emails I have read have been so insightful and encouraging. You all are a great group of people. If anyone has question for me feel free to ask. Tanya
Re: Kind of new to site
Welcome to the board, Tanya!
Does your daughter's birthmom send letters and pictures back to you for your daughter?
We have an open adoption with dd's birthmom. We send her a lot of pictures - either through email or mail. We see her fairly often as well. But she has never sent a letter or any pictures for dd. I do have pictures of her - either ones I've taken or the rare one that she sends through email. Part of me just wishes she would send dd a card or picture once in a while. Maybe she will when she's older...