I know I am not supposed to use anything waterproofing stuff on diapers. No destiten or fab softners? My plan is to use a lot of baby powder to help keep baby dry, but what if he gets diaper rash? What can I use and is there something I can use better to prevent rash ? Thank you ahead for the advice
Re: ftm and cloth diapering.
Im not even sure if you are supposed to use baby powder on little ones anymore... but I wouldnt use it on my cloth diapers.
There are several diaper creams that are CD safe. I dont use liners with them, and have never had a problem, but lots of people do use disposable or fleece liners.
CD Safe diaper cream:
Grandma Els - LOVE THIS one for preventing/treating rashes
Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm
If your LO gets a diaper rash that requires medicated cream, then you would need to use a disposable or fleece liner with the diapers.
Ditto all of this. Baby powder isn't recommended anymore and you shouldn't need to keep baby dry if you're changing him/her often enough.
My DS has had a couple nasty yeast rashes. The first we just used liners in our CD's but it was a hassle. The second one I switched him to paper diapers until it was gone. Also a PITA but I felt more comfortable slathering him in cream with paper than I did even with a liner.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
I haven't had to really use anything so far.
If he looks a bit red, we use some coconut oil (which is CD safe), but generally he hasn't had a single rash or reaction in cloth.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Our nurse that taught the birthing class said NOT to use any powders. The babies breathe it in and it can hurt their lungs. She said to use A&D Ointment everytime you change the diaper. Use it on the baby everywhere the pee goes on their skin. Only destiten after they get diaper rash.
Don't use A&D on cloth diapers. It will prevent them from absorbing, and build up over time. If you want to use something often, I recommend the coconut oil.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Coconut oil is a miracle! We've been using it since yeast rash #2 and have had no issues.
I don't think there is any need to use any type of medicinal/topical cream after every single diaper change.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone