My bff is having problems with her 3rd grader....multiple, hour long tantrums every day (ridiculous for her age, right?!?!), doing poorly in school all the sudden, biting herself, pulling hair out....crazy stuff.
They just moved and she started a new school but claims she loves it and already made new friends. However, if you ask her what is wrong she has said "mind your own business" and even occassionally that she "just wants to die"
They have tried special mommy/DD days and rewards charts for good behavior. I don't have older kids so I have no clue how to help her. I suggested seeing a behaviorist, but maybe I am way off. Thoughts??
Re: Help for a friend...3rd grade girl issues...
1000x this.
not normal. My 2nd grade DD can be dramatic but is NO WHERE NEAR this.....