So I went to the RE on Monday only to be told I have a cyst and coldn't start untill it's gone! SO I had to take a shot of ovidrel to bring on ovulation to get rid of it. I just ended AF and here I am bringing it on again two days later! I have to go in on Tuesday to see if it's going away. I feel lousy and don't know if it's going to work. I'm so emotional. All I want to do is cry, kick, scream and yell! Why can't things ever go right?
Re: IUI #4 Delayed!
DH 45 ME 44
TTC #3 since 7/11 using OPK's and trying to figure out Fertility Friend! LOL
DS #1 born on 7/20/87 DS#2 born on 1/19/96
PAIF/SAIF welcome
Ugh! I'm so sorry!
High FSH, Low AMH, Poor Responder
Apr'06 Blighted Ovum at 10W
TTC 6 more mo. before BFP (acupuncture, chinese herbs,
clomid, mayan abdominal massage, yoga, meditation)
Jul'07 DS born healthy
Mar'11 Miscarrage at 9W
Sept'11 FSH=15.7, referred to RE by my OB/GYN
Oct '11 started with RE (IVF-NJ, Dr. Darder)
3 Clomid/IUI Cycles = BFN
2 Max Dose Injectible IUIs = BFN
May '12 Donor Egg Speech
June '12 2nd Opinion RE (Cooper Center, Dr. Check)
High Hopes for BFP soon!!