As soon as I found out I was pregnant again, my mom and MIL's first question was "What are you going to do about a bed?' Now that the pregnancy is starting to feel more real, I've been wondering too.
My daughter will be 21 months when the new baby arrives, and I think that's too young to transition to a twin or toddler bed. I also don't want to bump her from her crib when the baby comes because I'm afraid she might feel replaced. Another reason is that I don't want to train her to sleep in a big girl bed when I'm already going to be up with baby #2. I'm thinking we just need to buy or borrow another crib. My husband thinks the new baby can sleep in the bassinet attachment to our pack-n-play or that Hannah can move out of the crib. He's thinking about the $ we'll have to spend on another crib (which isn't a whole lot, but he's a saver).
What did you do, or what are you going to do? Any advice?
Re: Another crib?
DD1 will be just shy of 19 months when DD2 is born. DD1 is still in the crib in the nursery right now, so we'll put DD2 in the bassinet of the pack and play in our room for a few months. Sometime after Christmas, when DD1 is a little closer to 2 years, we'll move her into a toddler bed in her big girl room so DD2 can have the crib.
That's the plan, anyway - we'll see if the girls let us follow it :P
DD1 Feb 2010
DD2 Sept 2011
We just went with another crib. I don't want to mess with DS's 7pm-7am sleep schedule right now and there will be a lot of other transitions so I wasn't going to push the toddler bed yet. He's never shown any interest in trying to climb out, so while it's working, I'm not going to mess with a good thing!
DS is in a Pottery Barn Kids Kendall crib, and the new one we bought it just a cheapie IKEA one for $99. When DS is ready for a toddler bed, we will convert the IKEA bed, and put the baby in the sturdier PBK crib.
Mine were about 16.5 months apart & we went with getting another crib.
DD slept in a bassinet for the first 2 months & then we transitioned her to her crib. We JUST transitioned DS' bed to a toddler bed.
If you get a convertible one, I think it's worth it.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
We got a second crib.
We bought a full set for DS1 that we intended to be his for a long while -- dresser, changing tower with hutch, and convertible crib. He's almost 21 months now and is perfectly content staying in his crib...we didn't want to mess with that.
For DS2, we bought a less expensive crib (Graco Lauren) that is also convertible. So hopefully he'll be in it for the long haul, too.
I don't think there's necessarily a "right" way...just do what works for you. We felt that we didn't want to rock DS1's world any more than necessary, so we just got another crib.
Essentially this!