Food Allergy

Coconut allergy Advice needed!!!!

My son recently developed an allergy to coconut. Is anyone else dealing with this? Please message me. I never realized just how much ha coconut in it. This is harder than his milk & soy allergy. :-(

Oh and the new A&D with zinc oxide also contains coconut as well as all of the baby specific baby washes.

Re: Coconut allergy Advice needed!!!!

  • My daughter has a coconut allergy (and dairy and soy).  I have never had a problem with it (so far).  I don't think that many things have coconut.

    And if you are talking topical things with coconut, are you sure his is not just an ingestion allergy?

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  • And we use Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash on her.  She has an oat allergy too, and even though this contains oats, does not react to it.
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  • He is allergis to milk & soy. We started to use Aveeno products for his ezcema which made it worse. I stopped it and he immediately cleared up. He developed an oat allergy also confirmed by breaking out after eating oat puffs. Then I gave him coconut yogurt and he started to break out again so I stopped that and it cleared up. I don't know if it is just internal or its also external but I would rather be safe than sorry. We worked so hard to get rid of his ezcema and I saw him be tortured due to the Aveeno and no one even the dermatologist realizing that it could have been related to that. I just one day decided to stop it just as a hunch and now he is ezcema free. All of the body washes that I found have coconut derivitives in them. I ended up finding one that is for infants and up. Anything that has "coco" in it is a derivitive of coconut.  So, call me an over protective Mom but I'd rather side with caution.
  • imageWendy1210:
      So, call me an over protective Mom but I'd rather side with caution.

    I would never call you that!  You can never be over protective when you are dealing with an allergic child.  You are doing the right thing.  I am glad you found something that works!  What body wash is it?  Maybe I should look into that too!

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  • I call myself that. I have allergies to all forms of sulfonamides and ended up in the ER twice due to my throat closing and I worry about that happening to him. Yes, we have 2 epi's for him.

    The babybath is called Everyday Shea and the oher is Cetaphil. I don't like the Cetaphil 1/it has sulfates & 2/it doesn't foam up and I like that bc then I know he gets enough soap on him.

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