Cloth Diapering

New House first CD wash

So I just moved in with my FI. He is fully aware and on board with my CDing (which I have done since day 1). I just put in my first load of CD's in my new washer. My FI was hilarious to watch while I took apart all the dipes and threw them in the washer. He kept fidgeting and repeating over and over "So gross! So Gross!". I then had to wash my hands 3 times and he still won't let me touch him with my "poop hands". 

What I fail to mention is that he has OCD and pretty extreme germaphobia. So this whole thing is an adventure to him. The first time he had to change one of DD's poopy diapers I thought the world was going to explode lol. 

Anyways, just wanted to share my complete enjoyment of this. 

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Re: New House first CD wash

  • That is too funny!  DH was definitely weirded out when I told him that we didn't need to plop, dunk or spray the diapers until DS starts solids.  Now he goes to visit the new dad classes once a month with DS and he tells all of the expectant fathers how easy it is to cloth diaper.  They all see him change DS and find it amazing.
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  • I don't know if this would help him but we pull everything apart and separate everything before going into the diaper pail.  Then when we dump into the washer I keep my hand on the outside of the pail liner and don't need to touch anything.
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