Hi all, I am 4 weeks, 4 days pregnant. I just took a HPT to re-confirm ( I got a definite BFP @ 3 weeks, 3 days, and a positive digital at 3 weeks, 4 days) and tonight the test line showed up instantly and was much much darker than the control. could it be twins??? If anyone had this I'd love to hear... Thank you ladies.
Re: Maybe???
I told you not to do it.... smh
Anyway, as I mentioned before (you really needed to post this 3 times?) it's only twins if you peed on 2 sticks.
oh so wrong! lmbo!!
Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!
It means you're pregnant. Number of babies will not be determined until an ultrasound.
PennyL520, I'm sorry for laughing. after seeing this message, i thought your post was supposed to be a parody or something making fun of someone else. Very happy for your pregnancy though!!