Did you find out with the other two? We didn't find out with our girls, and are considering it this time, just to have a different experience. Do you have a feeling either way? I would love another girl!
I did not know with Reid but a relative worked at the office where I was going for my prenatal appts. She knew from the ultrasound and at 34 weeks at my baby shower in front of tons of people, gave us boy clothes. Great huh?!?
I still didnt want to believe it so I brought a boy and a girl outfit to the hospital but he was all boy...
I did find out with Grace and loved knowing.
This has been fun not knowing, it is killing everyone else that we dont know though.
I dont know if you recall but in January we lost our house to a fire and we ended up pregnant 2 weeks later... SURPRISE!!
We were living with my inlaws at the time, we hadnt even thought we could get pregnant, we used medication with both other pregnancies and hadnt used protection in years, I guess you just need a huge life changing event to bring on ovulation....
I have to admit, I am nervous about starting over since the kids are older now, Reid will be 6 in 2 weeks and Grace was 4 in June but it will be fun too.
I hope you are feeling well.
I can't wait for updates, I just knew from your post last week, you had to be pregnant.
p.s. I friend requested you a long time ago on FB, just noticed now that it never went through. I am Heather McKeown Williams
hmmm, I bet I didn't recognize your name. Let me see if I can find you on FB...
I think May 9. I made an appt today, so my first appt/US is Sept 14th. I can't believe that story about your coworker. What is wrong with people??
It IS exciting not knowing, even though it can only go one way or the other I hear you about starting over. But it will be just a different experience than the other two. I honestly don't remember much of Gina when she was around 2 b/c I was so focused on Emi, isn't that sad?! Plus it will be nice to have the older ones to help out some.
Re: *hmckeown*
I did not know with Reid but a relative worked at the office where I was going for my prenatal appts. She knew from the ultrasound and at 34 weeks at my baby shower in front of tons of people, gave us boy clothes. Great huh?!?
I still didnt want to believe it so I brought a boy and a girl outfit to the hospital but he was all boy...
I did find out with Grace and loved knowing.
This has been fun not knowing, it is killing everyone else that we dont know though.
I dont know if you recall but in January we lost our house to a fire and we ended up pregnant 2 weeks later... SURPRISE!!
We were living with my inlaws at the time, we hadnt even thought we could get pregnant, we used medication with both other pregnancies and hadnt used protection in years, I guess you just need a huge life changing event to bring on ovulation....
I have to admit, I am nervous about starting over since the kids are older now, Reid will be 6 in 2 weeks and Grace was 4 in June but it will be fun too.
I hope you are feeling well.
I can't wait for updates, I just knew from your post last week, you had to be pregnant.
p.s. I friend requested you a long time ago on FB, just noticed now that it never went through. I am Heather McKeown Williams
I am getting anxious about this ones arrival too since Grace came at 34 weeks, I just want to get through Sept. and then I will be all set
What is your due date do you think?
hmmm, I bet I didn't recognize your name. Let me see if I can find you on FB...
I think May 9. I made an appt today, so my first appt/US is Sept 14th. I can't believe that story about your coworker. What is wrong with people??
It IS exciting not knowing, even though it can only go one way or the other I hear you about starting over. But it will be just a different experience than the other two. I honestly don't remember much of Gina when she was around 2 b/c I was so focused on Emi, isn't that sad?! Plus it will be nice to have the older ones to help out some.
Are you guys back in your house?
We are back in our house, we did a modular and we were back in July 9th so just about 6 months exactly from the fire.
Still feels like we are house sitting for someone though