Cloth Diapering

CD and Daycare

We have been exclusively using cloth diapers on DS since we brought him home from the hospital.  My SIL has been taking care of him for the past two months, but we are going to have to switch him to a daycare soon.  The daycare we are looking at is an in home place about three houses down, very convenient for us.  The owner is really nice, but reluctant to use cloth.  She told DH it was for sanitation reasons.  I have already looked up the Alaska Statutes and there is nothing against using cloth diapers in daycare.  Now I need some advice on how to convince her that this will work, and will not be unsanitary.

By the way, we use fitted diapers with covers and pockets (mostly fuzzi bunz, but a few miscellaneous others I have acquired cause their just too cute!)

Chase was born 4/23/2011
Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
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Re: CD and Daycare

  • Can you show her what you want her to use? Most DCP's think old-school prefolds and plastic pants. Maybe when you tour the place bring one along and ask. Our DCP just agreed to CD today and I brought a BG 4.0 w/velcro to show her.
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  • Definately bring them and show her and make sure you let her know that she will not have to do anything - you will take care of everything - all she has to do is put it in the wetbag. My babysitter looked a little scared when I first brought it up but I brought some to show her and she said ok and it hasn't been a problem since. She even uses the cloth wipes.
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  • Ditto what everyone else said.  We are in the process of switching and I just got DCP on board.  They resisted for the same reason - sanitation.  I persisted and followed up by bringing in a diaper to show them.  Once the director saw it she was much more agreeable.  She even asked us to bring in a CD today so she could show DS's teacher when she talked to her this morning.  When I spoke to DS's teachers this afternoon, they were all kinds of excited about CDing.
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  • I feel like I read somewhere that you have to replace the cover each change-I'm not sure if that's federal or state?  I would double check.  Honestly, I don't know anyone who uses fitteds and covers with DC so it may be worth it to try and invest in some pockets with velcro just to make it easier?  We started with snaps but there was too much user error so stocked up on a CB seconds sale for BG
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