Philadelphia Babies

Birth Center in Bryn Mawr first appointment

Hi there,

I'm relatively new to this board, so hello!  I have my first prenatal visit tomorrow afternoon.  From some of the information I got from the Birth Center, it seems they refer out for ultrasounds.  I'm wondering if they do some other test or procedure during the first visit to confirm the viability of a pregnancy?  My last pregnancy they did a vaginal u/s in the office during my visit (at a hospital, not TBC).  If TBC doesn't do u/s during the first visit it means a few more anxious days of waiting until I can get to an u/s clinic and they can confirm whether this pregnancy stuck or not.

Thanks for any info!

Re: Birth Center in Bryn Mawr first appointment

  • They do refer out for ultrasounds.  I'm not sure they do a routine u/s for the first appt, although I needed one to calculate the due date because my periods were scattered after stopping the pill.  The first appt. includes routine blood work and a quick pelvic.  (The only pelvic I've had since going there....I'm at 25 weeks), as well as time to talk to the midwife about your questions & concerns.

    I know you want to see the baby asap, but the longer you wait, the more baby there is to see!

  • Thank you for the info.  However, this isn't about wanting to see my baby.  My last pregnancy ended in a miscarraige.  They only found out the pregnancy wasn't viable because they did an ultrasound.  If they hadn't done one, no one would have known.  This is about knowing whether or not my pregnancy is viable.  If it isn't, I need to prepare myself for the decisions I will have to make.  I would rather know this information sooner rather than later.  In this case, the longer I wait the longer I don't know whether there will be a baby.
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