
One more poll: weight.

Re: One more poll: weight.

  • Was it a woman on this board or somewhere else with the husband who considered her weight part of their marriage contract?  I remember that she was upset because she had gained weight and he told her that she had to stay at the weight she was when they got married because that was part of the deal.  Douche.
  • I'm standing by my vote=reply stance.  I just won't tell you how I voted this time!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
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  • In my defense, I had a baby not that long ago. I'm working on it. Seriously. I lost a pound last week.
  • I want to know which one of you biotches replied at least 10 lbs less...I hate are dead to me!

    I kid!  that's awesome!

  • Well, I weigh a few lbs less now....but I was a fat ass when I got married.  I'm still about 15-20 lbs overweight.  Classic example of someone who got "fat and happy".  I was a size 2 when I met my husband!

    If he ever complained about my weight I would kill him in his sleep.  One, he is not exactly in tip top shape and Two, his ex wife is a troll...he should count his lucky stars.

  • Well right now I am about 5 lbs more than I was on my wedding night.  However, I am pregnant.  Also not pregnant my weight is the same but my body is completely different. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My weight is more, but I am pregnant and have a toddler.  So I think that explains some of it.  Part of it is just laziness.

  • I am at least 10 pounds more, but I am pregnant!
  • I wonder what our DH's weigh now versus when we got married.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

    Sigh, I was almost too skinny on my wedding day; but I know I could lose about 10lbs...ok well 15.

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