Before I start running again (haven't in years but have an odd desire to) do I need to work on getting my abs back in place... or is it something I can do in conjunction?
And-I've read that sit-ups and similar exercises actually harm-so what were some of your favorites to do?
Re: Running/exercises with ab separation
I would guess it's something you can do in conjunction because I'm sure running would help to strengthen your ab muscles.
I had to go to pt for back problems, but they also discussed my ab separation because it is affecting my back, and told me not to do crunches or sit ups, that will actually make it worse. The PT tried to do one exercise with me to try to bring the muscles back together, but my body wasn't ready for it and the muscles separated further when I tried so she told me to hold off for a while. So, if you do try some exercises, just make sure to feel for your stomach muscles to make sure they are pulling in closer or at least staying in the same place and not moving further apart. There something called the Tupler Technique that some people have success with, I don't know much about it though.
Oh, and I'm 5 1/2 months pp, and when I saw the PT, I was 4 1/2. Hoping when I go back in a few weeks I'll be able to start working on my abs. Good luck!!
When I laid down and planked to sit up, I could fit several fingers in the spaces where my abs were once connected. I was never told I had diastasis recti until an OB appt and she confirmed that it was ab separation.
To answer the original post, I second doing transverse abdominal exercises and certain Pilate core work. My dr. stressed not to do traditional, isolated ab work (i.e. crunches, sit ups, etc.) as it would only make the separation worse. I was also told to lay off ab work entirely for 6 months pp.
As for running, I feel it really helped! It's core work without doing isolated abs, kwim? The only time I feel sore from having separated abs is on long distance runs (10k's or more) but overall, I feel it has helped strengthen up my abs.