I have a 1 year old and am 33 weeks with number 2. Planning on getting my double stroller this week while the BRU trade in is going on, but id love some insight on which one to get. I'd really like to stay under $300 since i still have a $250 circumcision to cover. I'm liking the chicco, but i just want to be sure its the right one. Also want front - back, no side by sides. Thanks!
Re: Double stroller?
I have the Chicco and I REALLY like it. It may not be a jogging stroller, but it is surprisingly easy to maneuver.
True, the seats do not swivel but if you put the infant car seat in the front and have your older LO sitting in the back, they will be facing each other.
I know a lot of people prefer side by side strollers, but I personally like the tandem configuration better.
Here are two video reviews that I found useful when I was researchig the Chicco together stroller. I hope you find them as useful as I did: