April 2012 Moms

A poll about the SOs

We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?

2. How long have you been together?

3. What does he do for a living?

4. What was his reaction to your BFP?

5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?

6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?


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Re: A poll about the SOs

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    1. What is his relation to you? He is my husband

    2. How long have you been together? Married for 2 1/2 years, together for more than 5 years

    3. What does he do for a living? He is a paramedic, but he is also in the process of changing careers so he will be in school at nights.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was so happy and in disbelief. He didn't think it was possible to be pregnant after our first cycle of trying. He got a little teary-eyed and he gave me the biggest hug ever.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He is amazing. He did most of the cooking to begin with, but he has totally taken it over. He is also doing much more around the house, especially with things that now make me sick (taking the trash out, picking up dog poo).

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? No, he will not be able to take it, but by time the LO is here I will be able to support the family with my impending raise, so he will be a SAHD and go to school in the evenings. Yay for savings in daycare!

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    I'm confused by question #1. His relation?

    ETA: Ha, just saw your answer. I get it. I was like, um are we talking about inbreeding here?

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    I'm confused by question #1. His relation?

    ETA: Ha, just saw your answer. I get it. I was like, um are we talking about inbreeding here?

    lol. I'll fix that. I wasn't sure how to word it because not all SOs are married.

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    1. What is his relation to you? Fiance

    2. How long have you been together? Two years this October

    3. What does he do for a living? He teaching Editing/Visual Effects at a local film school

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was surprised, we got it on the first try.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Everything, he is a SAINT!

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He may be able to take a couple weeks.

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    1. What is his relation to you? He is my husband.

    2. How long have you been together? We've been together for almost 5 years, married for 2 of those years.

    3. What does he do for a living? He is a teacher.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was so happy that he cried!

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He wouldn't let me clean the bathroom or vaccum today but we'll see how long that lasts! He also told me that I'm not to go grocery shopping alone (we live on the third floor of an apartment building with no elevator; he doesn't want me carrying all the groceries up).

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? I know he gets some time off but I'm not sure how much. I'm thinking it's only a couple of days.

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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is his relation to you? Married

    2. How long have you been together? Together 6 years married 3.

    3. What does he do for a living? Mason's Tender (construction)

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Not as joyful as I'd hoped. LOL He asked if we would qualify for medicaid since they took his insurance last summer.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? nothing above what he normally does. 

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  Hell to the Naw. He'll be lucky if his boss will let him have a few hours/the day off for the anatomy scan in the middle of pregnancy.


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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is his relation to you? Husband

    2. How long have you been together? together 2 1/2 years, married a litle over a year

    3. What does he do for a living? he works for a trucking company, in the office

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? haha.  He was asleep and i turned on all the lights and shoved the test in his face.  He woke up very fast!  He hugged me so hard and had this great smile on his face.  He was very excited, and still is.  :-)

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? umm... nothing.  LOL.  In his defense, I don't really let him so much cuz I am so OCD.  Today, he drove all the way home from his parents (about 2hrs) because he knew I felt like crap. I usually drive, especially since we were at a party last night and he only crawled into "bed" at 4am.  We slept in the car. lol.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  He will take some vacation time.  He can make 3 vacation days into a week off due to his rotating schedule


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    1. Married

    2. Met 10 years ago, married 3 years ago

    3. Pharmacist

    4. Happy, making jokes

    5. Same as before, he already did the cooking and laundry

    6. He's planning on taking vacation when the baby comes and then more when I have to go back to work 

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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Husband

    2. How long have you been together? 6 yrs 8 months (2 yrs 1 month married)

    3. What does he do for a living? Financial Planning/Investment Advisor

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Super happy.  DS was wearing a big brother shirt...I had the video camera on him...he asked me why I am video taping him and if he is missing something (as he is looking at DS's shirt) I tell him to look at the shirt....he looks and reads "big brother" looks at me, then the shirt again, with a wide-eyed shocked look and says "what...uh...are you pregnant?"  I smiled (teary and all) and say yes...he then says WOO-HOO and came and gave me a big hug and kiss! It was awesome and I love playing it back on video.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Not much different....the usual, helping w/DS, dishes...I am still feeling fine and doing mostly everything (I am a SAHM).  Things will change when I am a little bigger and on modified bedrest (as a precaution due to my history)...and definitely will be changing DS's crib sheets...no way I could do that with my belly in the way.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  he is self employed so he can make his own hours and work from home...if I need him he will stay.


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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? married

    2. How long have you been together? 6.5 years, married for 5

    3. What does he do for a living? accounts manager for an internet company

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? happy but guarded

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? he's always been pretty helpful around the house, so not much has changed

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? he'll hopefully be able to take a week or two off, but no more than that.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married. But he's also my 2nd cousin. Kidding ;)

    2. How long have you been together? We've been married 18 months, dated for 18 months before that.

    3. What does he do for a living? He's a full time student right now. He is a disabled veteran so we receive income from that and the GI Bill pays for all school, books, housing and then some. He also is a bit of a handy man- he's currently remodeling a 1960s airstream trailer to resale for a profit. He repaired air craft in the military so he makes some side money repairing remote control air craft (those big toy ones people spend ridiculous amounts of money on).

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was very excited. We're both nervous though still given our history. He has also been through a 3rd tri loss in a previous relationship so I don't think he'll relax until baby is born healthy.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? The first week he wouldn't let me do anything. Now that we've had a good ultrasound and seen a heart beat he stopped doing as much. He still won't let me lift anything and takes our dog out himself because she is very large and pulls a lot.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He will just be finishing up a semester when baby is born and won't take any summer classes so we can spend the summer together.

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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? My Husband

    2. How long have you been together? Married a year, together for 4

    3. What does he do for a living? He is a data base developer for a financial company

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was calm like I knew he would be, he isnt a big reactor like I am haha

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Nothing more than normal, but he has always done a lot to begin with, he is the best!

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He works on his computer all day so he will be able to take time off and work from home


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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married

    2. How long have you been together? Married almost a year together for 4

    3. What does he do for a living? GM at a resturant

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was in shock but he was really happy

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Nada

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He will most likely use 1.5 weeks of vacation 

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    Sorry about the formatting - phone bumping! 1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married 2. How long have you been together? 4.5 years 3. What does he do for a living? Delivery driver for O'Reilly Auto Parts 4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Open arms for a hug, happy 5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Nothing really, it's still really early 6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yep, he will qualify at the beginning of May. Perfect timing!
    April 2012 Mamas Blog

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married2. How long have you been together? Married a little over 2 years, together almost 8 years3. What does he do for a living? He is an electrician4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was half awake, but excited! It still doesn't feel real yet to either of us. Once we see the sonogram I think it'll be real.5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's been great actually. Right now he's on break from work on workers' comp unfortunately, but so he's been around more. He helps cook, clean, and just been all around understanding and great.6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? In Canada I believe we get 12 months total mat leave, so he can take off as much as he wants but it'll factor into my mat leave. So he can take 2 months off and I can take 10 months off. He would like to take some time off I know.
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?We are married.

    2. How long have you been together?We have been together for 11 years and married for almost 8.

    3. What does he do for a living?He is a teacher.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?Excited

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?Everything...he is the greatest. Each time I get pregnant he shoulders a lot of responsibilities with the boys, the house, etc.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?He has so sick leave but at the most two weeks.


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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? My Husband
    2. How long have you been together? Married for 5 months, together for 9 years
    3. What does he do for a living? sporting events coordinator
    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? So happy, big smiles, hugs, kisses and teary! 
    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Not too much more, but definitely making more of an effort and I have never been made so many cups of tea! 
    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yep, he will take two weeks paternity leave when the LO arrives. 
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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married

    2. How long have you been together? Married 2 years in October, together 5 1/2 years.

    3. What does he do for a living? He just earned his Phd about 3 weeks ago, so he's looking for a filler position he since most universities are staffing faculty for  the 2012 - 2013 school year.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Pretty excited.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's always helped around the house, so not much has changed.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? I hope so.


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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? We're married. 2. How long have you been together? We've been together for 6 years, married for 4. 3. What does he do for a living? Doctoral student/computer-y research 4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was pretty happy and excited. 5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's been cleaning the mouse's cage, lifting the water bucket to clean the fish tank, and taking whatever I ask him to up the stairs. He's pretty worried about me falling down the stairs if I can't hold the rail for whatever reason. 6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? No, but his schedule is pretty flexible- by the time the baby gets here, he will be working on his dissertation, but he won't have any coursework left. He can set his own schedule for work, as long as he gets enough done.
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?We are married.

    2. How long have you been together? Married 5 months... together 1 year 8 months.

    3. What does he do for a living? He's an inside sales rep for a steel company.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Told me to prove it... then shed a tear (a happy one)... he thought I was at least two weeks before we got the BFP.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Pretty much just what I've specifically asked him to.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? I wish! Prob just vacation time...

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?We're married. 2. How long have you been together?Married for 5 years, together for almost 8. 3. What does he do for a living?Arrests bad guys.4. What was his reaction to your BFP?Surprised and ecstatic! 5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?Mowing the lawn...stirring certain foods when the smell makes me want to hurl. 6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?Yes he could take 8 full months if he wants to. 
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Husband

    2. How long have you been together? Married since March 2010, together since 2003.

    3. What does he do for a living? engineer in the Air Force

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? shocked, we had just had a negative blood test a couple of days prior and told to take a break for 3-4 months due to my colposcopy.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's been doing a good bit. I was on pelvic rest for the first couple of weeks after we found out. I usually love to cook, make all the meals, etc. M/S in the past week has definitely decreased the amount of cooking I have done.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yep

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? He is my hubby2. How long have you been together? We have been together 6 six years this September, and married 3 years on the same day :)3. What does he do for a living? He is a submariner in the US Navy.4. What was his reaction to your BFP? AS he is currently deployed underwater, he will find out next weekend :D5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Nothing yet, but I hope he will take over the cleaning, I haven't been doing much of it lately....6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? I believe that he is able to take up to 3 weeks of paternity leave and he will be home for the birth! (if he schedule goes to plan)
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? married

    2. How long have you been together? together 4 years married 2 years

    3. What does he do for a living? carpenter

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? we have been trying for 2 years for this so thrilled.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? nothing yet, should I get him to?

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  not sure haven't talked about it probably just a few days.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? We are married

    2. How long have you been together?  Together just over a year, married almost 3 months

    3. What does he do for a living? We were both Correctional Officers when we met, now he still does it and I'm a SAHM but we both go to school (him to be a forensic lab rat and I want to be a teacher)

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Mild disbelief. lol He thought the line should be darker (probably because of the OPKs)... He still jumped up and hugged me tighter than ever before then sat down and kissed my belly.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Today he cleaned the whole kitchen without me asking or anything (even did some laundry)

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yes. We are lucky. The department of corrections here offers 6 weeks paid paternity leave.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Engaged

    2. How long have you been together? It'll be 2 years in October

    3. What does he do for a living? Custodian, Landscaper, Bouncer...he has a lot of jobs lol And also soon to join me in selling Green Energy.

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He looked at me and was like "what does that mean? We're pregnant?!"

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Cat litter, running for cravings, extra cleaning. He has been wonderful!

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He gets 3 weeks vacation a year so he will probably take some time off.

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    1married 2 together 5 years married 3 3 Xray tech 4 Soo excited 5 not much but I feel great so far. 6 not sure yet but I hope so
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married

    2. How long have you been together? 61/2 years, Married 1 1/2

    3. What does he do for a living? Cop

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? Happy and surprised (even though we were trying, lol).

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He has been working A LOT of over time lately.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He will probably take 4 weeks.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Husband

    2. How long have you been together? 2 & 1/2 years

    3. What does he do for a living? Software developer for pro sports team

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? So excited, hugged my so tightly!  Always talks about his "little guy" in there.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's been super busy at work lately.  But he's been making dinner & cleaning up more often and just making sure I'm not doing anything strenuous and he encourages my napping!

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? He gets 5 days and plans on taking them.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?  Married

    2. How long have you been together?  Will be 2 years on Sept. 5, and a grand total of 4 years

    3. What does he do for a living? Attorney

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?  Like a knucklehead I ran up to him all excited and smiley with the test while he was on the phone, not realizing he was receiving bad news about his aunt and uncle getting a divorce.  Fail.  Afterward, he was really happy though!     

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?  So much!  He's made trips to the store for me, brings me ginger ale when I have m/s and has taken over the brunt of the house painting work we had started.  He's a rockstar.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  Haven't thought about it yet.  Hoping my mom will be able to fly out to help me for the summer because she is a teacher.  We may not need him!  Haha.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?  Married

    2. How long have you been together?  Together 3 years Married 6 months

    3. What does he do for a living? Teacher

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?  A really big hug.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?  He is awesome.  He does whatever I ask.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?  I'll get 6 weeks Maturnity.  Then we get 60 days Family Medical Leave combined because we work for the same district.

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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?


    2. How long have you been together?

    married 3 years together almost 12

    3. What does he do for a living?

    a registered nurse

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?

    thrilled and surprised!

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?

    he's been helping with DS by getting up early with him,Mekong more dishes and laundry.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?

    we have a year total if I go back early he can take sometime, we aren't decided on that yet!


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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married. Husband.

    2. How long have you been together? Since I was 16. Almost 7 years!

    3. What does he do for a living? He's a high school teacher and coach (football and baseball)

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was very excited, but is still alittle cautious (as am I) since we've already miscarried once.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Um....well, I just found out on Wednesday, so not much, but he's gone an gotten me food just for the heck of it.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yes, we actually just talked about that!


    Son 4/27/12, Son 10/15/14, Daughter 9/29/16....Baby #4 due 10/09/19!  Apparently we get really bored in January ;)
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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married. Husband.

    2. How long have you been together? Since I was 16. Almost 7 years!

    3. What does he do for a living? He's a high school teacher and coach (football and baseball)

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? He was very excited, but is still alittle cautious (as am I) since we've already miscarried once.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? Um....well, I just found out on Wednesday, so not much, but he's gone and gotten me food just for the heck of it.

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yes, we actually just talked about that!


    Son 4/27/12, Son 10/15/14, Daughter 9/29/16....Baby #4 due 10/09/19!  Apparently we get really bored in January ;)
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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Boyfriend, soon to be fiance and then husband for LO arrives. 2. How long have you been together? 1 year 3. What does he do for a living? He is a police officer (i'm a 911 dispatcher at the same dept)4. What was his reaction to your BFP? shocked, scared, nervous and now excited. 5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? he's been taking all of my orders in stride.... helping out everywhere I ask. 6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? together we can take 12 wks total
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    1. We are engaged

    2.  Its been like a year and one month but we've known each other since I was born

    3. Hes a tattoo artist.

    4. I think he was mostly worried because I'm pretty sick right now but he seems more relaxed about the whole thing right now and he has his heart set on a girl.

    5. I don't think hes been doing anything but he was generally helpful before.

    6. I don't know if hes taking paternity leave yet but he can always work from home and I'm sure his boss will give him time off if he asks.

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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married

    2. How long have you been together? 11 years this past April

    3. What does he do for a living? works for the federal government

    4. What was his reaction to your BFP? disbelief

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? taking care of the cat litter and lifting heavy stuff...  he did dishes today

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave? Yes he gets 5 weeks off at the beginning, we get a year off in total and we'll split that half/half i'll take the first 6 months and he'll take the last 6 months

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    We have lots of GTKY posts, but let's do one about our SOs. 

    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)?


    2. How long have you been together?

    together 10yrs married 3yrs

    3. What does he do for a living?


    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?

    didn't believe it bc the line wasn't as dark as control. Took him til after me first appt to believe me.

    5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy?

    nothing - he works oover 80 hrs. A week

    6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?

    he gets it not sure how much time he will take off mmaybe a week


    Kellen 4.27.12 Miller 6.30.13 Baby #3 edd 9.7.15
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    1. What is your relationship with SO (married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend, it's complicated, etc)? Married

    2. How long have you been together? 

    Married for 2 years, together for almost 5 

    3. What does he do for a living?


    4. What was his reaction to your BFP?A little lack luster unfortunately. I think he is a little afraid to get excited until we hear the heart beat. We had a chemical pregnancy last month, so seeing that + turn into nothing makes us cautious.  5. What has he been doing around the house to help with the pregnancy? He's usually very helpful. I have been feeling fine, so no need for him to take on more...yet :-)6. Will he be able to take paternity leave?Probably a few days, maybe up to a week.  If things work out right with my maternity leave he would be home with me the last month before I go back to work.

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • Options
    1.  Married.2. Together 6. Married 4 years this October.3.  He works for Time Warner Cable in the corporate offices4.  Excitement5.  Not much!6.  2 weeks.
    Penelope Lynn 5.8.2009
    Harrison Peter 4.10.2012

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