
Clothes for twins, ouch...

So I'm all out of hand-me-downs and gifts to clothe my growing boys.... doing some online shopping just for pajamas.  Man, it's pricey!  Where do you all buy yours?
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Re: Clothes for twins, ouch...

  • Consignment sales can be your best friend, especially the big ones that most areas have every fall and spring. 

  • I guess I should clarify, where do you buy online?  We have ZERO consignment shops, unless you drive a couple hours.  Not even a Target w/in a couple hundred miles.  
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  • I very very rarely buy anything brand new from stores.  Sometimes Children's Place has amazing sales, but you usually have to wait until the end of the season and buy ahead for the next year.  Old Navy, Carter's, etc are pretty much the same way.  Oh, you can always look into Thred Up too, which is basically a clothing swap online.  And if Goldie is here, she can give you the link for a FB multiples clothing page. 

    Are you in/near Albuquerque like your location says?  If so, it looks like Just Between Friends has an event coming up there soon.  That's the event I go to here, and it's massive.


  • Carter's has most 50% off, and a 25% off coupon code right now. Do you have a Walmart nearby? They have really cute ones in these brown boxes that have really stood the test of toddlers in my house, and they are only $5 a pair. 




  • I've gotten pajamas at WalMart for a good price.  I never had them shipped, but I think the shipping is only around $1.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks gals..  I used to live in Albuquerque but moved 3 1/2 hours away from it :(  We do have a Walmart, though!!!  For some reason, our Walmart seems to carry mostly girls clothes......  I guess cuz there is way more cuter girl stuff.  Maybe I should dig deeper there.  But I am for sure going to check out these sites.
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  • I buy stuff at the end of the season when it's on clearance for the next year because my girls are true to size - I got a ton of fall clothes for great prices last winter.  I wasn't as lucky with summer stuff for next year though.
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  • I am very obsessed with shopping around. Carters sales, Old Navy sales, clearance anytime I am shopping at Walmart. Garage sales, thrift stores and consignment sales as well.

    I don't use any one source, I am just always on the look out for a good deal. 

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  • I watch Craigslist for people who will list a lot of clothes in the size I need. It may take awhile to catch a good one, but I scored 40 pieces of girl clothes for $40 yesterday for the girls for this fall. I'd been looking for a couple of weeks to catch it.

    Also garage sales, and ebay can be good places to look, especially if you're not looking for specific items.

    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Consignment stores, outlets, we also stock up during big sales (which happen frequently at Children's Place and Gymboree lately).  

    Target and JCP also have some pretty good sales on everyday wear (shorts/skirts/pants/shirts).  

    Garage sales.  We live on a military base (H is USAF) and there's an internal craigslist where people buy, sell, trade baby clothes in MASSIVE amounts).   

    Its very pricey to buy for two!  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageDarthNBJenni:
    Carter's has most 50% off, and a 25% off coupon code right now. Do you have a Walmart nearby? They have really cute ones in these brown boxes that have really stood the test of toddlers in my house, and they are only $5 a pair. 

    I was going to suggest these ones too. We love the Walmart pajamas. The ones in the brown box are organic cotton and have held up really well all summer! And $5/pair is a steal! 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Look at the Moms of Multiples resale page on fb.

    There are photos of all things being offered, but if you don't see what you're looking for you can "like" the page and post what you're in search of, i.e. "ISO 'sb/b pj size xxx"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Here is a link to the MoM facebook page.

     I got a lot of really cute things of of here for my kids.

    As for PJs I usually buy them from the Children's Place. I bought a whole bunch of sleepers online on clearance a few months ago for only $3 each. They seem to go on clearance every few months. I love their sleepers.  

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 008
  • Try ebay....i've been buying a lot of clothes for DD there.
    Wife. MoM {1G + BBG triplets}. DIY'er. Quilter. 

  • Oh, and the nice thing is that soon they will stop needing an all new wardrobe every 3 months! It feels more doable when the clothes actually last a year.
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  • We usually get our PJs from the Carters stores... when they have sales.

    Sometimes Kohls since they have the carters brand there too.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I also wanted to throw out there as an option. I've not used it yet, but have heard good things from other friends who have. Pretty much its $15 for a flat rate USPS box of clothes, which is a great deal. You can list boxes of clothes your kids have outgrown too, so it really can be a great bargain.
    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageleslie13510:

    Consignment sales can be your best friend, especially the big ones that most areas have every fall and spring. 

    This! I also stock up when ON and TCP have great deals. Subscribe to a site like hip2save or and they will alert you when there are great deals to be had. I've gotten everything I need for the boys for next spring and summer by shopping those sales online, and usually I'm paying $2-5 per shirt, maybe $4-5 per pair of shorts or pants, etc., because I wait for the really good sales.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Oh yeah, if you don't have consignment sales in your area then I would try CL or garage sales, or ebay. I'll have to look into thredup now too!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imageMaygenDL0ve:
    I guess I should clarify, where do you buy online?  We have ZERO consignment shops, unless you drive a couple hours.  Not even a Target w/in a couple hundred miles.  

    we only have one where I live too and the closet MoM club os over 30 min away so I am not a member.  Honestly check out  I have done it now for a while and have found some great boxes and great sellers. GL!  Otherwise I do Target sales rack, Old Navy sales rack and we have a Carters outlet near us.   

  • Have you tried ebay?  I get a lot of pajamas there.  I look for lots of pj's to ease on shipping costs.
  • Honestly try Thred UP.  You pay $15 and get a box stuffed with clothes.  If you don't make your boys match it will be easy to find stuff but I have gotten some great twin boxes on there (as I usually do match my girls).  I also got rid of my girls stuff on there (1 set since I do matching and just in case we have another I wanted to keep some things).  It's a great deal.  A lot of people post pictures too so you know what you are getting and if you are looking for something in particular they have a facebook page where you can say ISO (In search of....) whatever you need.  I got a great box that way.  Once you find good sellers you gave favor them and then you get an e-mail every time they list a box and you can also have people make custom boxes for you.  I even got rid of some of my old clothes on there as people like Mommy boxes too.  It's honestly the best deal out there.  I have gotten some great boxes on there and some not so great boxes but overall a GREAT experience and I really wish more twin MoM's would join.  Message me if you want more info on how it works. GL!!
  • I buy a lot from Crazy 8's online.  They are the cheaper version of Gymboree (like how Old navy is to Gap)  I always find good sales on there and the quality is great.
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