We will be going on vacation at the end of September and will be staying in a hotel so using cloth would be interesting so we're going to use biodegradable disposables that we can get at our grocery store.
I don't know what size to get though because according to sizes our LO should of just outgrown size 1 diapers here but my friend who has a LO a few days older than mine and about the same size said they are already using size 3's!!
How do you know what size to get if you use disposables for vacations?
Re: When you go on vacation
The couple of times that we had to use sposies, we just used the weight chart on the package to determine which size to get.
ETA: FWIW, we stayed in a hotel while on vacation and used cloth. We used their laundry facilities and it was fine.
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This is what I do, although I buy a small package (based on weight) of disposables for overnight and the car ride. And I like the Flip inserts much better than the gDiaper. They are more absorbant.
I am too cheap for these and go for sposies when I have to