Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

D&C today, burning in outer vagina area (TMI sorry)

Ok, so I had my D&C today (serious bummer, but I'm actually handling it remarkably well.... maybe it's the hydrocodone they gave me).  Anyways, My uterus is feeling fine, it's my outer vagina that feels like it's burning (like in the labia area, and opening?)  And when I pee it REALLY burns.  And I am taking pain pills plus ibuprofen (now that I'm not pregnant, why the hell not take the pain meds, right?!?) and I still feel the burning strongly as I pee.  So anyways, wtf?    Anything I can do about it?
Baby boy born in July 2012
2nd Baby due Feb 27th, 2015
 baby development

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Re: D&C today, burning in outer vagina area (TMI sorry)

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    I had the same experience after my D&E.  I called the advice nurse and she thought that maybe it was from the catheter.  Turns out, I didn't have one but felt the pain nonetheless.  She suspected that the area was just irritated from the procedure.

    I ended up sticking with the pain pills they gave me, & the pain went away around the end of day two or three (I apparently have blocked out the details already). ;)

    I'm so sorry for your loss & hope that you are pain-free soon!

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Thanks SeaBlue, I also didn't have the catheter.  Weird, huh?  I was thinking maybe from what they cleaned the area with or just the trauma of the speculum being wide open (bad mental picture).  Anyways, it sucks.  Thanks again, and I'm sorry for your loss too :(
    Baby boy born in July 2012
    2nd Baby due Feb 27th, 2015
     baby development

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I did not experience that symptom, but wanted to say sorry for your loss, and (((big squishy hugs))). Hope that you have a quick physical recovery so that you can get started recovering emotionally.
    Started TTC 2/2009
    Started fertility treatments 11/2010
    Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
    6 failed medicated IUI's
    Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
    Decided to adopt - 6/2012
    SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
    Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
    Decided to be "One and Done"

    ....OR NOT.
    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
    Here we go again...
    Due 8/26/19!
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