
GHM - a booster question for you...

I just looked at that link in the post below and it states that the Recaro Vivo is highback only. Would there be any reason I would need to have a lowback booster? They make me all shades of uncomfortable and I would prefer to stick with a highback until DS is old enough to just use the seatbelt alone.
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Re: GHM - a booster question for you...

  • You'll most likely need the backless version at some point. He'll outgrow the height of the highback booster before he's ready for the seatbelt alone. 

    I wouldn't worry too much about it right now--he should have several years left in a highback, and a backless booster is only about $20.  


    I like the vivo, but it's not always the best for boys. It's narrow through the shoulders, and boys tend to have a wider shoulder span than girls. I tried Ethan in one, and at not quite 5.5, his shoulders were already squished. 

    If you have a little more to spend, I really like the sunshine kids monterey (which converts to a backless). 

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