Not sure if we are going that route this year, but my SIL got them for her kids at TRU for $169 with a $25 git card...she said you cant ever use coupons on them..wondering if that was a good price
Kelly- Mom to Katelyn Rose and Ella Ann
Formerly MichBride2004
Re: What is the cheapest anyone got a nintendo DSi or DSi xl for last Christmas?
It might have been a "good" price for xmas last year, but I would say no way right now. You can get a Nintendo 3DS right now at Target for $169. They just slashed ("they" being Nintendo, not Target) the price by $80.
Since they did that on the 3DS, I'd say the regular DSi consoles will follow suit soon and have a price cut. That being said, I got a regular DSi (not the XL) for $149 back in March. I can't remember if I got a gift card with it...or if it came bundled with a game.
Using one of those might make me dizzy! I just meant that I can't imagine Nintendo will keep their regular DSi consoles at the same price as the 3DS--so if you're patient you might be able to get the DSi for MUCH cheaper than $169 or $149. I guess I'm assuming...
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
I got the same one for the same price on Amazon last year. They had that sale with timed deals and I just watched that for a few minutes until a ds popped up.