Intro and ? re: When to contact new doc?

Hi All!!  I'm new to this board as I just got my BFP but have been researching VBAC for several months now as we have been TTC.  I've already gotten a lot of great info from this board and am so excited to join in!  This is my 3d pg - my first DD was a vaginal birth almost 14 years ago, my DS was a c/s for non-reassuring fetal heart tones 20 months ago and I'm set on VBAC this time around. 

The OB who delivered my DS has already made several comments that lead me to believe a VBAC with her would not be possible so I've been participating in my local ICAN list serve and have the name of the best VBAC doc in the area.  I plan to see him but am wondering how to handle the transition over to him.  Should I see my old doc just to confirm the pg and then contact the new doc or should I just forgot about the old doc and go straight to the one I plan to see throughout the pg?  Also, how soon do you normally call in?  I know I sound like a total dork but it just feels so weird to call up a totally new doc who knows nothing about me...  I had been seeing my old OB for a few years when I got pg the last time so I just don't know how to go about the transfer.  TIA!! 

Re: Intro and ? re: When to contact new doc?

  • I contacted the new group after one of my first prenatal appts with my old midwife in which I realized I wouldn't be getting the support I wanted for my VBAC.  However, I didn't switch until 25w since I wanted to make sure everything was OK with the baby at the 20w u/s.  The hospital and practice I switched to was a good 45-60 min. away and didn't have the NICU that my old hospital had.  Plus I would have been risked out of using the alternative birth center and midwives anyways.  Once I knew that everything looked good, I made the switch.  I did end up with GD, but that was a non-issue with my new midwives.  Congrats and good luck!
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats on your BFP.

    I would call a new doc ASAP to book a appt. Most won't see you until 8 weeks in my area and they book fast. I have an 8 week appt/ultrasound scheduled with a O.B. ICAN referred me to on 9/8 as a back up in case I don't get accepted by a free standing birth center that we are in the process of applying to.

    If you end up not clicking with the new O.B. at your first appointment you will still have plenty of time to search out someone else. In our case it is frustrating because none of the docs in the area do consultations.

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  • Once I realized my CNM wasn't as supportive of VBACs as I thought, I never looked back.  I started researching other midwives in my area and found a wonderful CPM. When I found out I was pregnant I called her.  

    If your previous Dr isn't VBAC supportive, and the new one is, I don't see any reason to call the old one, except to get records maybe.  The sooner to start a relationship with the new doctor, the better :-)

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